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Types Of Tea
There are a number of types of tea that you can sip. White tea is made from the youngest leaves and has a mild taste. Green tea is made from slightly more mature leaves and has a more robust taste. Black tea has been rolled or broken to further oxidize the leaves. As a result, these teas typically have the strongest flavor and the highest amount of caffeine. Herbal teas, such as dandelion root tea and peppermint tea are not made from the Camellia sinensis or tea plant. Instead, they contain other dried herbs. Most of these products are caffeine free.
How Much Caffeine is in Tea?
The amount of caffeine in a cup of tea will depend on the type of tea leaves used to make the tea, how much tea is used, how long the tea is steeped, and other factors. Most tea contains less caffeine than most coffee, with the average cup of green tea containing about 33mg of caffeine, and the average cup of black tea having 47mg. There are some teas, however, that are naturally caffeine-free. The best way to determine how much caffeine is in the tea you make is to look at the packaging included with the tea and see what it says.