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With its sweet taste and fizzy bubbles, soda is one of the most popular beverages on the market. If you want to drink a delicious soda every once in a while, there's no harm in enjoying these sweet beverages on occasion. However, too much soda consumption can be bad for your health if you don't know what to look for when you read the nutrition and ingredient labels. With new types of soda coming out all the time, there are a few healthy alternatives that can still give you your soda fix minus the sugar and calories, like sugar free soda.
Soda Nutrition Facts
It might surprise you to learn that an average 20-ounce bottle of soda actually contains 2.5 servings instead of just one. Make sure you read the nutrition facts on the label so you know how much you're consuming. A single serving is actually just eight ounces. Soda has no nutritional value, so when you drink it, you're consuming "empty calories" that can contribute to weight gain. Most regular full-calorie sodas contain high-fructose corn syrup or cane syrup which can cause health problems like diabetes. Diet sodas usually contain sucralose or other forms of alternative sweeteners. While diet soda usually has no calories, it can still have some negative effects on your health.
Soda Health Risks
If you love the taste of soda, there's not much harm in drinking an occasional glass or two every once in a while. However, consuming soda on a daily basis can lead to weight gain, diabetes, and may even contribute to potential heart problems. The high-fructose corn syrup in most big brand name sodas can turn to fat inside the liver, leading to obesity and other issues. Too much soda also adds to belly fat, which can make it almost impossible to lose weight, even if you're doing everything else "by the book."
Soda Alternatives
Fortunately, there are lots of excellent alternatives available to traditional soda. If you just enjoy the carbonation, try sparkling water with a mild hint of flavor instead. Some new soda brands are using real cane sugar in lieu of high-fructose corn syrup. This will give you the delicious taste you love, but that sweet flavor is coming from a much safer and more natural source. You should still try to keep your soda consumption a minimum. Instead, drink water, tea, or milk to quench your thirst. If you don't like water , add a squeeze of lemon to make it taste sweeter. Soda is an awesome beverage, just as long as you consume it wisely and in moderation.
What is Club Soda?
Club soda is a type of carbonated beverage that is popular as a mixer in alcoholic drinks. There are quite a few different brands of club soda, each of which have their own formula that is selected to emulate the taste of natural mineral water. The minerals that are added to club soda typically include one or more of the following: sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, sodium citrate, potassium citrate, or potassium sulfate. These help to give club soda a fresher and more enjoyable flavor than would be possible with nothing but the added carbonation, which can cause a beverage to have an acidic taste to it.
What are the Best Soft Drinks?
When asking about the best soft drinks, the answer will vary from person to person. There are many different popular soft drinks, each of which has a following of people who think that it is the best. This includes major drinks like Coke, Pepsi, Diet Coke, Sprite, Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper, and many others. There are also some less popular brands of pop that still have many people who say that they are the best around. This can include options like Faygo, Canada Dry, and others. Try a variety of different types of soft drinks to see which ones you think are the best.
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