Crayons & Markers

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A home with children doesn't quite seem complete without crayons. Crayon art is among the first expression of creativity that kids have. But, they are not just useful for coloring and drawing. Crayons are the base material for numerous interesting uses for craft projects or quick repairs around the house. 

  • Apply crayons to lend striking color to arts and crafts projects. For example, you can dip plain white candles into melted crayons for colorful and fun effects. 

  • Crayons are handy for home maintenance. For example, you can fill or touch-up scratches and nicks on wooden furniture to restore them and help to make wear-and-tear less noticeable.

  • Another novel and practical use of crayons in the house is as fill material for minor gouges in resilient flooring. 


Markers, also called felt tip pens, come in many forms for a wide variety of uses. Kids use them as an alternative to crayons to create colorful art. Adults use them to create all manner of signs for events like garage sales and to share information and messages where people gather. Stores, market vendors, performers, and organizations rely on them to announce events, show prices, direct audiences, or to create poster board signs for parades. 


Educators and students alike use highlighter markers in learning. Highlighters help to emphasize and make it easier to remember important information in textbooks and draw attention to sections of documents. Before the invention of highlighters, scholars marked important parts of the texts they were learning by underlining the text with pen or pencil or by bookmarking at the notable passages. Using highlighters is more effective by making areas of the book more visible and easier to locate. About 85% of all purchased highlighters are in yellow and pink colors. Yellow happens to be the most common due to its light color that is visible when the text is highlighted on paper but does not show when photocopied. Highlighters also come in orange, red, purple, blue, and green. 

Dry Erase Markers

Dry-erase markers and permanent markers occupy the opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to marking and writing on surfaces. Dry erase markers are easy to wipe away from smooth surfaces to help develop quick iterations of ideas. Permanent ones have formulations that make the ink adhere to many different kinds of surfaces without getting rubbed or wash off. That makes them useful for permanently marking surfaces, such as writing names on clothing tags, boxes, and tape.

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