Customer reviews for Tiger Balm Ultra Rub

How to get it
Reviewed 2 years agoEasy to useOut of 5
Long lastingOut of 5
TasteOut of 5
ScentOut of 5
Gentle on babyOut of 5
SafetyOut of 5
AbsorbencyOut of 5
Easy to swallowOut of 5
FlavorOut of 5
FreshnessOut of 5
Portion sizeOut of 5
Effectiveness Out of 5
Value Out of 5
Meets expectationsOut of 5
Reply from So far it was only necessary once, for a momenta
2 years ago
It's so quiet and easy to use. I would definitely recommend this dryer to anyone.
I really love this refrigerator. It only has 1 thing about it that I would change.
You need to read the manual for setting the ipod
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Not helpful
Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 2 years agoEasy to useOut of 5
ScentOut of 5
Gentle on babyOut of 5
SafetyOut of 5
AbsorbencyOut of 5
FreshnessOut of 5
Portion sizeOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Value Out of 5
Meets expectationsOut of 5
Quality Out of 5
Reply from Downloading pictur
2 years ago
It's a great dress, though the price does seem a bit high for what you get. I bought this shirt along with the matching doll one for my neice. She loves it! Everywhere she goes someone comments on how cute it is that she matches her doll and my sister loves it because the clothes wash so nicely.
In fact, this set was such a hit that I bought the same set for another neice last week! We bought this dog for my daughter's friend's birthday and I now need to order an extra for my daughter to keep. It really is a cute little thing and well made like all products.
This product gives you raspberries on the arms. This has to be the baby product of the
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Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 2 years agoEasy to useOut of 5
Long lastingOut of 5
TasteOut of 5
ScentOut of 5
Gentle on babyOut of 5
AbsorbencyOut of 5
Easy to swallowOut of 5
FreshnessOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Effectiveness Out of 5
Value Out of 5
Meets expectationsOut of 5
Quality Out of 5
Duis ut nibh ut mi tincidunt ornare nec necneque.
Proin nec conguerisus.Duis euismod conguesagittis.Nullam tempus ligula ac eros hendreritconsectetur.Praesent ultricies odio in nunc ultriciespharetra.Nam iaculis euismod orci quisultricies.Vestibulum luctus libero et urna imperdietmalesuada.In vitae libero risus, id auctornisl.Nunc sollicitudin, odio eu interdum lobortis, dui risus mattis eros, sit amet laoreet urna sem necnisi.
Reply from Donec ut neque vitae libero accumsan semper sit
2 years ago
Donec lacinia pharetraauctor. Aenean malesuada semper est quisluctus. Nullam eu nisi a velit consecteturegestas.
Quisque dignissim viverra nibh, non cursus tortor condimentumvel.
Fusce tristique venenatis metus acsemper. Class ap
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Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 2 years agoAliquam lacinia auctoraccumsan.Nullafacilisi.
Ut interdum dictum diam sit ametposuere.Donec ut neque vitae libero accumsan semper sit amet sedpurus.Proin accumsan tempor orci, nec condimentum enim malesuadaet.Maecenas sagittis, purus ac pulvinar dignissim, urna lacus lobortis elit, ac mollis magna elit velest.
Donec lacinia pharetraauctor.Aenean malesuada semper est quisluctus.Nullam eu nisi a velit consecteturegestas.Quisque dignissim viverra nibh, non cursus tortor condimentumvel.
Nam non odio nec lorem accumsanlacinia.Cras vel orci id felis lobortis rhoncus ut anulla.Ut laoreet nuncjusto.
Reply from Caum sociis natoque penatib
2 years ago
Vivamus vestibulum ipsum quis sapien pulvinartincidunt. Caum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculusmus.
Nullam vel dui neque, et volutpatsem.
Vestibulum luctus libero et urna imperdietmalesuada. In vitae libero risus, id auctornisl. N
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Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 2 years agoEasy to useOut of 5
Long lastingOut of 5
TasteOut of 5
ScentOut of 5
SafetyOut of 5
AbsorbencyOut of 5
Easy to swallowOut of 5
FlavorOut of 5
FreshnessOut of 5
Portion sizeOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Value Out of 5
Meets expectationsOut of 5
Quality Out of 5
Reply from Thanks The detachable p
2 years ago
If it were 10 or 20, this'd be a no-brainer. If you don't mind paying for it, it's the perfect set. This is the best set ever! It is so cool. It is very detailed.
Great Set!
the knots are soooooooooo hard to tie.\nOther than that, though, this is an incredible
Yes, helpful
Not helpful
Reviewed 2 years agoTasteOut of 5
SafetyOut of 5
AbsorbencyOut of 5
Easy to swallowOut of 5
FlavorOut of 5
FreshnessOut of 5
Portion sizeOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Effectiveness Out of 5
Value Out of 5
Quality Out of 5
Nam iaculis euismod orci quisultricies.
Duis ut nibh ut mi tincidunt ornare nec necneque.Etiam ac volutpatmi.Praesent a scelerisquearcu.
Reply from Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent pe
2 years ago
Nullam malesuada purus nec tortor convallis vitae consectetur sapiensodales.
Nunc lorem neque, condimentum id fermentum a, aliquam sit ametligula.
Donec ut neque vitae libero accumsan semper sit ame
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Reviewed 2 years agoReply from CVS/pharmacy
2 years ago
Vestibulum luctus facilisis massa vestibulumscelerisque.
Duis fermentum purus id leo consequat eget accumsan maurishendrerit.
Fusce nec massa quis nibh dapibusmolestie. Quisque fermentum suscipit ma
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Yes, I recommend
marcellus999Verified purchase
Reviewed 2 years agoEasy to useOut of 5
Long lastingOut of 5
TasteOut of 5
ScentOut of 5
Gentle on babyOut of 5
SafetyOut of 5
AbsorbencyOut of 5
Easy to swallowOut of 5
FlavorOut of 5
FreshnessOut of 5
Portion sizeOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Effectiveness Out of 5
Value Out of 5
Meets expectationsOut of 5
Quality Out of 5
I HOPE I CAN GET MY MONEY BACKlike my 8300 had...
This is by far the Best LCD TV I have seen for this kind of money.Pictures and sound are all good.I enjoy watching this set.I am very disappointed with this dryer.I have had it only 2 months and wish that I had my old 15 year old dryer that I got rid of because it was taking too long for clothes to dry.This new dryer takes even longer.
The Sensor Cycle doesn not work efficiently.I can put 2 bath towels and a hand towel on Sensor dry - heavy duty, and I will still have to add another hour to it when it is done, for them to dry.I have then been using the timed dry and every load takes over 60 minutes of very dry to dry.
Reply from CVS/pharmacy
2 years ago
The capacity is huge; just to check I washed 20 bath towels with no problems.
The machine is so quiet that I only hear it when the water goes into the drain. I think the clear front is to reassure you that it is indeed working.
Make sure you get an extended warranty. I like and always
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Not helpful
Details for Tiger Balm Ultra Rub
Concern | Pain relief |
Form | Gel |
Product type | Topical ointments & liniments |
Quantity | 1-60 ct |