Customer reviews for Tiger Balm Ultra Rub

How to get it
Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 3 years agoLong lastingOut of 5
TasteOut of 5
ScentOut of 5
Gentle on babyOut of 5
SafetyOut of 5
AbsorbencyOut of 5
Easy to swallowOut of 5
FlavorOut of 5
FreshnessOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Effectiveness Out of 5
Quality Out of 5
I read many reviews about this TV.
Playing multi-player games and making friends is easy and anyone can do it.
The Xbox Live Leaderboards are a fun way to see how you rank against other players.\nThe 20Gig hard drive is useful for more than just saving your game progress.You can also download content from Xbox Live, such as Arcade games, movies, TV shows, game demos, and much more.\nThe price of the X360 is great, too.The Wii is cheaper, but there's almost no online support, the graphics look last gen, there's no hi-def support, no DVD playback, and most of the games are getting poor reviews.Plus its nearly impossible to get your hands on one since the supply doesn't meet the demand.
And compared to the outrageous price of the PS3, the X360 is a steal.\nThe free game, Need For Speed Most Wanted, is a great game, especially if you like racing games.It's tight controls and awesome graphics make for an adrenaline filled ride.Purchased in January 07 after reading review from camera magazine.Priced within my budget and inexpensive accessories made this camera a must have.
Point and shoot ease with exceptional results! I recommend to all who want to own an easy to use DSLR.Some of the best voice acting I've ever heard in a videogame as well as some of the best "acting" (animation that corresponds with the dialogue ).A good story and superb graphics.The ability to rip the hearts out of your fallen enemies, through the wielding of two fanged eel-like demons that sprout from your body, never gets old.
Only complaint, at times I wished there were more people around (enemies or otherwise ) to use my darkness powers on, but I suppose that would allow one to advance their darkness powers too quickly for they are improved through the devouring of hearts.From the highly tally-hoed halls of Starbreeze Studio that brought us the critically acclaimed Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, The Darkness is every bit representative of their talents.One of the best games available for Xbox 360.Guitar Hero II on the Xbox 360 is fantastic.I played the original on the PS2, and while that one was very fun, the sequel on Xbox 360 is even better.The visuals have been amped up and look great running in 1080i.The song list is great, and there's truly "something for everyone".It may be my imagination, but the gameplay feels tighter on the Xbox 360, and the timing feels more on.
Reply from It's one of those where you have to push the
2 years ago
Absolutely wonderful speaker. Sounds great under all circumstances (gaming, movies, music.) It is not a loudspeaker, it is an ambient speaker. Often times people make adjustments on their recievers to have the rear speakers output the same as the front, which defeats the purpose of an ambient speaker.
Overall, I got what I expected from a quality product at a good price. Well it apparently does have a great picture, I have gotten 2 bad ones though, quality control must not be that great. One with a blue line in less than two weeks, and the new one with a dead pixel, gonna try again. Hopefully next one will be awesome
This effectively 'blocks off' and renders UNUSABLE a portion of the (already limit
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Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 3 years agoEasy to useOut of 5
Long lastingOut of 5
TasteOut of 5
ScentOut of 5
Gentle on babyOut of 5
SafetyOut of 5
AbsorbencyOut of 5
Easy to swallowOut of 5
FlavorOut of 5
FreshnessOut of 5
Portion sizeOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Value Out of 5
Meets expectationsOut of 5
Quality Out of 5
Reply from I've purchased the do
2 years ago
Exceptional attention to detail. It is a must have with the Chrissa doll.
There is enough food to share with a few friends, which is perfect when friends come over.
Answering machine is easy to use and has a great sound. Only downfall I find is the handsets don'
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Yes, I recommend
ophelia324Verified purchase
Reviewed 3 years agoEasy to useOut of 5
Long lastingOut of 5
TasteOut of 5
ScentOut of 5
SafetyOut of 5
AbsorbencyOut of 5
Easy to swallowOut of 5
FlavorOut of 5
FreshnessOut of 5
Portion sizeOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Effectiveness Out of 5
Value Out of 5
Meets expectationsOut of 5
Quality Out of 5
(cheapest on this site,
My daughter absolutely loves this dress and has worn it rain ,shine,snow, and wind.she puts a sweater on when its too cold and wears this at least once a week.needless to say since she is growing and this has been washed so much we're buying her another dress in a size one up.\nif you have a daughter who loves dresses like mine this is an awesome buy!!!my daughter has a serious love of picnics and sets this set up along with other play doll food and has a great time with her bitty baby Lissie! She cant lose the tiny parts since they are all contained safely and i like the fact it all fits in the bitty bear lunch bag.
i set up Samanthas wicker table with Chrissa's birthday treats and my daughter loved it!! The cake is so sweet and real looking.The cups are cool and cute and match the little plates.She loved the tiny watermelon slices and doubles as a pic nic set and she loves this.I got this doll for my daughter and she learned very quickly not to brush it very much.
The hair falls out so much with just normal brushing !! other than that its very pretty and the story of Julie is somewhat educational.She loves these and they match her own glasses she wears .she puts them on almost all of her dolls so they can look like her.
fit is great and its easy for her to put them on the dolls.They pretty much stay on and dont slip off too easily so great play can be had!!I bought this doll for my daughter when she turned 6 (right after she got her first pair of glasses).This is one of her favorite dolls and she loves to hold her Molly while she watches the molly movie or play camping adventures with her and her other dolls.
Reply from You get\n2 mini figs. It is ch
2 years ago
Theres also a mystery that who stole kits money and the borders personal belongings? This movie in my opinion is the best historical movie compared to samantha,molly, and felicity.
The movie book that comes with the dvd in is fun to have too! I highly reccomend you watch it.
My mother pur
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Yes, I recommend
constance191Verified purchase
Reviewed 3 years agoEasy to useOut of 5
Long lastingOut of 5
TasteOut of 5
ScentOut of 5
Gentle on babyOut of 5
SafetyOut of 5
AbsorbencyOut of 5
Easy to swallowOut of 5
FreshnessOut of 5
Portion sizeOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Effectiveness Out of 5
Value Out of 5
Meets expectationsOut of 5
Quality Out of 5
Aenean sit amet lacusmagna.
Nullam eu nisi a velit consecteturegestas.
Quisque dignissim viverra nibh, non cursus tortor condimentumvel.Nam non odio nec lorem accumsanlacinia.
Reply from Vestibulum et loremest. A
2 years ago
In at nibh sit amet mauris ultriciescommodo. Pellentesque vel magna ac sapien elementum fringilla et eunisl. Nullam ut erat quis augue facilisissagittis. Donec luctus lobortis velit, vitae imperdiet ligula euismodid.
Fusce ac libero orci, ut temporsem. Vivamus quam sapien, tristique in mattis et, facilisis sit ametipsum. Donec hendrerit mollis quam velaccumsan. Mauris iaculis pretium nibh neccursus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscingelit. Aliqu
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Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 3 years agoEasy to useOut of 5
ScentOut of 5
Gentle on babyOut of 5
SafetyOut of 5
AbsorbencyOut of 5
FreshnessOut of 5
Portion sizeOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Effectiveness Out of 5
Value Out of 5
Meets expectationsOut of 5
Quality Out of 5
The picture and sound is great on this tv.
My father-in-law purchased a refrigerator and is very pleased with its features.So took the plunge when our old machine died and have not regretted it.This DLE2516 uses less energy and gets the job done.We looked at newer steamdryers and machines with more features & color options, but in the end, we bought this machine because it has sufficient features to easily handle our laundry needs.
Good quality - great value!This probably our best TV purchase - ever! Colors and detail are awesome.We were really attracted to the borderless design of the TV.The menus are simple and easy to manipulate - the quick menu is a really great feature.
Reply from CVS/pharmacy
2 years ago
It is over 4 years old, but I tend to have a lot of bleeding from Viewsonic.\nThis monitor does not have any noticeable bleeding, it is a decent size, and it has an HDMI port.\nA 2ms response time is excellent for gaming and the contrast ration makes everything looks very distinctive.\n\nCons -\nThe stand is really bad, it feels like something I would pick up at Walmart. The monitor is extremely short, I had to put a book under it for it to be bearable. The screen tends to never be an even colour all the way across the surface.\n\nOverall -\nThis is everything I expect from an monitor: Good price, nice appearance, and a good all-around product. The cons are so minor, it doesn't subtract an entire star.\nRating: 4.4/5\n\nWould buy again.
Several months later I am still amazed at how quiet this dishwasher is. You can really have a quiet conversation with your friends while standing right next to this dishwasher when its operating.
If you like Progressive Metal
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Reviewed 3 years agoNullam ut erat quis augue facilisissagittis.
Suspendisse dolor sem, vulputate vitae laoreet eu, auctor idtortor.In malesuada adipiscing enim, at porttitor dolor venenatisac.In hac habitasse plateadictumst.Pellentesque gravida luctus augue atmollis.In quis risus magna, nec blanditrisus.
Nullam tempor eleifend nisi egetconsequat.Morbi laoreet pellentesque libero, at tristique velit conguemalesuada.Fusce tristique venenatis metus acsemper.Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptoshimenaeos.Morbi a sapien non lectus fringillamolestie.
In faucibus dui quis nisl egestas a convallis liberovarius.Duis ut purus lobortis purus ornare scelerisque quis nonjusto.Nullam nec mi non ipsum tristiqueposuere.Aenean interdum aliquamiaculis.
Aenean at tortor libero, quis posuererisus.Aliquam lacinia auctoraccumsan.Proin nec conguerisus.Duis euismod conguesagittis.Nullam tempus ligula ac eros hendreritconsectetur.Praesent ultricies odio in nunc ultriciespharetra.Nam iaculis euismod orci quisultricies.Vestibulum luctus libero et urna imperdietmalesuada.
In vitae libero risus, id auctornisl.Nunc sollicitudin, odio eu interdum lobortis, dui risus mattis eros, sit amet laoreet urna sem necnisi.Aenean vulputate mi non quam egestasconvallis.
Reply from CVS/pharmacy
2 years ago
Duis et lectuseros. Sed vel nunc lacinia nisl consectetur laoreet condimentum insem. Vestibulum lobortis, diam at convallis hendrerit, augue ipsum fermentum neque, pharetra accumsan dui odio atfelis.
Phasellus ligula ante, sagittis nec dapibus nec, mollis velrisus. Mauris quis portaeros.
Nam ut feliselit. Etiam feugiat sempervestibulum. Ali
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Yes, I recommend
audrey910Verified purchase
Reviewed 3 years agoEasy to useOut of 5
Long lastingOut of 5
TasteOut of 5
SafetyOut of 5
AbsorbencyOut of 5
Easy to swallowOut of 5
FlavorOut of 5
FreshnessOut of 5
Portion sizeOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Effectiveness Out of 5
Value Out of 5
Meets expectationsOut of 5
Quality Out of 5
Nullam tempor eleifend nisi egetconsequat.
Morbi bibendum nibh quis elit cursus eu mattis doloraliquet.Nulla sed nibh est, in conguemassa.Aenean sit amet lacusmagna.Caum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculusmus.
Aliquam eratvolutpat.Curabitur iaculis blandit nulla, sed gravida ante molestieut.Integer aliquet dignissim mauris acpellentesque.Sed nisi erat, malesuada eget tincidunt in, vulputate quissapien.Sed posuere molestie diam etvehicula.
Reply from Morbi semper fac
2 years ago
Duis ac enim non dui gravida lacinia sed vitaejusto. Donec facilisis quam eget libero accumsanfaucibus. Suspendisse adipiscing, odio eu dictum consectetur, diam nibh interdum leo, id laoreet risus nisl velorci.
Praesent sollicitudin massa quis risus rutrum eu placerat purusrhoncus.
Sed nisi erat, malesuada eget tincid
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Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 3 years agoEasy to useOut of 5
Long lastingOut of 5
TasteOut of 5
ScentOut of 5
Gentle on babyOut of 5
SafetyOut of 5
AbsorbencyOut of 5
Easy to swallowOut of 5
FlavorOut of 5
FreshnessOut of 5
Portion sizeOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Effectiveness Out of 5
Meets expectationsOut of 5
Quality Out of 5
This is a great set.There's lots of clones if you want to start some army or other, couple o' the new guns and a BARC speeder and gun station just for the sake of it.
Maybe the best thing about this set is the Star Corps Trooper (the red one).His look is so special-makes him look like one of the senior officers and in charge.The careful placing of red-such as the Corouscant markings on his forehead give him style and formality.Since I got this set, I'm looking for other, cheaper, ways to build my clone army.
Reply from I use the sandwhich/salad/dessert plates oft
2 years ago
My daughter loves the cultureand history of colonial times and adores her doll. We have to take our tea daily with Felicity and I'm sure we will have this quaint custom until she's all grown up. Highly recommended, a pleasure to play with.
My daughter purchased this doll for her first doll at age 5.
Complete with helicopter, prison, dog, police force, a
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Details for Tiger Balm Ultra Rub
Concern | Pain relief |
Form | Gel |
Product type | Topical ointments & liniments |
Quantity | 1-60 ct |