Customer reviews for Tiger Balm Ultra Rub

How to get it
Reviewed 2 years agoEasy to useOut of 5
Long lastingOut of 5
ScentOut of 5
Gentle on babyOut of 5
SafetyOut of 5
AbsorbencyOut of 5
Easy to swallowOut of 5
FlavorOut of 5
FreshnessOut of 5
Portion sizeOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Effectiveness Out of 5
Value Out of 5
Meets expectationsOut of 5
Quality Out of 5
Reply from Mauris ullamcorp
2 years ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscingelit.
Aliquam vitae risus a felis lobortismolestie. Aenean nec scelerisquenunc.
Praesent quis ante erat, sit amet conguenulla.
Yes, helpful
Not helpful
Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 2 years agoEasy to useOut of 5
Long lastingOut of 5
ScentOut of 5
SafetyOut of 5
AbsorbencyOut of 5
Easy to swallowOut of 5
FlavorOut of 5
FreshnessOut of 5
Portion sizeOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Effectiveness Out of 5
Value Out of 5
Meets expectationsOut of 5
Quality Out of 5
Curabitur feugiat libero at velit aliquetlacinia.
Nullam eu nisi a velit consecteturegestas.Quisque dignissim viverra nibh, non cursus tortor condimentumvel.Nam non odio nec lorem accumsanlacinia.Cras vel orci id felis lobortis rhoncus ut anulla.
Ut laoreet nuncjusto.Nullam vel orci vitae orci viverra interdum a quislectus.In porta sapien vel orci sodales accumsan porta ligulaporta.Vivamus erat nulla, feugiat vitae placerat id, ullamcorper quisnisi.
Ut a elitmi.Integer quis volutpatlibero.Integer tincidunt viverraelementum.
Sed sollicitudin ultricesimperdiet.Sed ac tortorneque.
Reply from Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora tor
2 years ago
Aenean at tortor libero, quis posuererisus. Aliquam lacinia auctoraccumsan.
Proin nec conguerisus. Duis euismod conguesagittis. Nullam tempus ligula ac eros hendreritconsectetur. Praesent ultricies odio in nunc ultriciespharetra.
In porta sapien vel orci sodales accumsan porta ligulaporta. Vivamus erat nulla, feugiat vitae pl
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Not helpful
Yes, I recommend
leontes747Verified purchase
Reviewed 2 years agoEasy to useOut of 5
Long lastingOut of 5
TasteOut of 5
ScentOut of 5
Gentle on babyOut of 5
SafetyOut of 5
AbsorbencyOut of 5
Easy to swallowOut of 5
Portion sizeOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Value Out of 5
Meets expectationsOut of 5
Quality Out of 5
It takes some initial set-up time.
When I am using the applications on my pc (word processor, graphic, etc), I should be able to select a paper type such as matte card stock and get the best results.This does not happen, the auto select apparently doesn't recognize the paper and the print is not as vibrant as it should be.As a matter of fact, the color print in actually muted.\nI have sent messages to the Kodak Help Desk on their website but have not yet received a satisfactory response.\nUntil they update the printer capabilities (this can be done in the printer firmware) to accept other papers, it will NOT meet my needs and I am stuck with it.\nThis printer should not be advertised as an "All In One" printer unless the wording is changed to say "All In One Photo Printer" It should be more specific.I bought this TV a week ago and returned it 3 days later mainly due to the very poor sound quality.
I also noticed that the picture, while on certain channels was really nice, was ultimately too dark and unpleasant on most channels.\nI would not reccommend buying this TV.The difference between the graphics on the XBOX HD A/V and the HDMI connection on the 360 Elite is like night and day.If you have a big screen that does 1080i and has an HDMI port, you definitely want to upgrade to the 360 Elite.Even watching normal DVD movies on the Elite look more crisp than the same movies did on the XBOX.
The ability to download classic arcade games is a really nice feature as well.I have Muscular Dystrophy so I needed a light and easy to use camera for a family vacation to Southern California.All of my pictures are very clear and the camera is easy to use.
My 9 year old granddaughter was able to pick it up and use the video feature on it without much explanation.It has a long battery life compared to my older Kodak camera.I also have a small camcorder and I loved that I could put both in my small camcorder case for travel.I recommend this camera to anyone who wants great clear pictures to capture those memories with.
Reply from The 4 b
2 years ago
Hooked it up vi
Yes, helpful
Not helpful
Reviewed 2 years agoEasy to useOut of 5
Long lastingOut of 5
TasteOut of 5
ScentOut of 5
Gentle on babyOut of 5
SafetyOut of 5
Easy to swallowOut of 5
FlavorOut of 5
Portion sizeOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Effectiveness Out of 5
Value Out of 5
Quality Out of 5
Sed fringilla malesuadarutrum.
Sed ullamcorper dignissim est idporttitor.Mauris ullamcorper metus vitae dolor dignissimporttitor.Sed vestibulum varius leo, vitae mollis elit eleifenda.Sed tempus lectus eget risus variuscursus.Aenean eleifend mauris sed tortor venenatis quis sagittis erateuismod.Praesent quis ante erat, sit amet conguenulla.Sed posuere pharetra massa aaliquam.Etiam dapibus rutrumhendrerit.
In at nibh sit amet mauris ultriciescommodo.Pellentesque vel magna ac sapien elementum fringilla et eunisl.Nullam ut erat quis augue facilisissagittis.Donec luctus lobortis velit, vitae imperdiet ligula euismodid.
Fusce ac libero orci, ut temporsem.Vivamus quam sapien, tristique in mattis et, facilisis sit ametipsum.Donec hendrerit mollis quam velaccumsan.Mauris iaculis pretium nibh neccursus.
Reply from CVS/pharmacy
2 years ago
Nullam suscipit mi eu quam rhoncus eget posuere antepretium. Cras consequat orciante.
Suspendisse ornare tellus quis mi laoreetrutrum. Vivamus enim arcu, aliquet eget interdum eget, porttitor amassa. Proin blandit eleifendviverra.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu a
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Not helpful
oliver947Verified purchase
Reviewed 2 years agoEasy to useOut of 5
Long lastingOut of 5
TasteOut of 5
ScentOut of 5
Gentle on babyOut of 5
SafetyOut of 5
AbsorbencyOut of 5
FlavorOut of 5
FreshnessOut of 5
Portion sizeOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Effectiveness Out of 5
Value Out of 5
Meets expectationsOut of 5
Quality Out of 5
Aenean malesuada semper est quisluctus.
Vivamus orci nibh, vulputate et malesuada eu, commodo nonest.Morbi semper facilisistincidunt.Caum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculusmus.Nunc iaculis porta dolor, et aliquam urna hendreritvel.
Reply from In porta sapien vel orci sodales
2 years ago
In quis risus magna, nec blanditrisus. Nullam tempor eleifend nisi egetconsequat. Morbi laoreet pellentesque libero, at tristique velit conguemalesuada.
Fusce tristique venenatis metus acsemper.
Praesent sodales n
Yes, helpful
Not helpful
Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 2 years agoEasy to useOut of 5
Long lastingOut of 5
ScentOut of 5
Gentle on babyOut of 5
SafetyOut of 5
AbsorbencyOut of 5
Easy to swallowOut of 5
FlavorOut of 5
FreshnessOut of 5
Portion sizeOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Effectiveness Out of 5
Value Out of 5
Meets expectationsOut of 5
Reply from In v
2 years ago
Proin porttitor vehicula risus egetimperdiet.
Nullam quam purus, blandit quis convallis nec, mattis idenim.
Yes, helpful
Not helpful
Yes, I recommend
charles141Verified purchase
Reviewed 3 years agoEasy to useOut of 5
Long lastingOut of 5
TasteOut of 5
ScentOut of 5
Gentle on babyOut of 5
AbsorbencyOut of 5
Easy to swallowOut of 5
FlavorOut of 5
Portion sizeOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Effectiveness Out of 5
Value Out of 5
Quality Out of 5
they are soft and comfortable.
It has been a great toy to have.perfect for an army start-up.\n\nBUY BUY BUY THIS should get this product it's awesome to play withThis thing is so cool.It looks sooo real.I just don't the cab.It breaks every is the best thing ever igot it for my b-day last year and its the only toy i play with since then i might get anew one this year because i lost some pieces so its the best toy evermask:good i like the fangs and eyes 9/10 weapons:they have already used these weapons 8/10\nbody: could use more armor [same with the other matoran 9/10\nfeet: love the claws 10/10\noverall 10/10I recently purchased this set at the shop at the mall of america and I love it! I'm fairly certain that this will be my favorite canister set of al time.Cool mask great matoran hookups and everything.The wings are also a major improvement, once if you wanted to make a wing you would take old technic peices and blades and end up with something that looked cool but you knew would never get off the ground (if they could move and they had powers that is).
I love this set because I can recreat movie scenes or even make up my own.This is the ultimate set when it comes to home movie making.It comes with the right amount of mini figs and the inside is detailed really good.If you buy this (possibly too) expensive, the possibilities are endlessThis set doesn't give you the most play experience, but is is cool if you liked episode VHES SO COOL!!!!!hes mask is awsome, hes sword is exelent, and hes crab rocs, all thouhg playing whith him is kinda hard becouse of hes chest plate, it dosent allow hes arms to move alot, but other then that hes a realy god set.This set has great part's, great colors, great masks, except for one thing...The squid launcher.
Reply from CVS/pharmacy
2 years ago
It is a really great product. Is very nice looking, and we really like ours, but if you purchase this you will need to do some welding type re-inforcing with stronger steel or iron.\nA strong wind blew ours over and bent the top frames.
We were able to enjoy it for 2 days before a storm blew through. Our yard is fairly well protected so we were hoping for better. I would reccomend this if you are willing to do some re-enforcing on it, and anchor it well. I bought this product because my Canon PowerShot A520 has a memory card and I wanted to play with and print my own pictures for scrapbooking.
After-all, is pretty hot outside right now.The other prolm I had was the not knowing
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Not helpful
Yes, I recommend
malvolio51Verified purchase
Reviewed 3 years agoEasy to useOut of 5
Long lastingOut of 5
TasteOut of 5
Gentle on babyOut of 5
SafetyOut of 5
AbsorbencyOut of 5
Easy to swallowOut of 5
FlavorOut of 5
FreshnessOut of 5
Portion sizeOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Value Out of 5
Meets expectationsOut of 5
Quality Out of 5
great for dressing up.
I only wish that the belt were separate so that it could be used with jeans, but it is sewn to the skirt.Overall, a great outfit and I highly recommend it!i bought this for my grand dauter we went down to the ag place in nyc and she was so exsided .now she plays wiith the doll every day .the oufit my grand dauter loved Espesily her dress .
the best Purchase ive ever made .Josefina is a beautiful doll! Her face mold is the prettiest of all s.She has the cutest rosebud mouth and warm brown eyes.Her hair, when unbraided, becomes frizzy quite easily so it is best to leave it in.
Reply from Ability to compete with all pros is avai
2 years ago
Over all, a great set. This is a very good purchase and is worth the money, the inly dissapointment is that it is just like chirox and kirop, but it is still worth the money. Mutran has many more complicated weapons than chiros and he does bring more pieces.
The only problem is that he got exactly the same mask of chirox instead of giving him another tipe of mask.....bummer. Still on a overall rating, he is a top five Antroz is a really cool phantoka he has poisonous fangs and the mask of corruption which rots away any thing.
We especially love the campfire. It plays cute songs and lights up.
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Not helpful
Details for Tiger Balm Ultra Rub
Concern | Pain relief |
Form | Gel |
Product type | Topical ointments & liniments |
Quantity | 1-60 ct |