Ear Care
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Gentle Ear-Cleaning Options for Healthy Ears
When excess ear wax causes discomfort, you can try an over-the-counter ear-cleaning product at home. CVS offers a wide variety of safe solutions, from ear drops and bulbs to professional ear-irrigation devices.
Safe and Effective Ear-Cleaning Solutions
Ear wax works as a natural barrier to debris, and it may have antibacterial and antifungal properties to protect your ears from germs and infections. Ear wax that builds up to excess can be too much of a good thing. If your ear canal is plugged up with wax, you might experience pain, a feeling of fullness or trouble hearing.
Excess ear wax is a common condition that can be treated by a MinuteClinic provider or with at-home solutions. A gentle water- or oil-based ear drop may work on its own to soften and break up blockages. Sometimes, you need a few squirts of water from a syringe or the assistance of a flexible ear cleaner stick. Kits such as the CVS Health earwax care kit and Cleanse Right ear wax removal irrigation kit should include everything you need to find relief.
Essential Ear Care Products for Everyday Needs
Routine cleaning and ear care are essential to preventing irritation and damage. If you're prone to heavy earwax, you may need to clean your ears more routinely. Wipe the outside of your ears every time you shower using a clean, damp washcloth or a cotton ball soaked with saline solution or hydrogen peroxide.
For ears that occasionally feel dry or itchy, try Hyland's Naturals Dry Ear Relief Oil. Formulated with a blend of premium oils, this ear care solution calms irritation caused by eczema, allergies, weather, earbuds or hearing aids. Maintaining good ear health also includes wearing earplugs to protect your hearing in loud environments. For children, check out Lucid's wireless HearMuffs.
Advanced Ear Care Solutions for Specific Concerns
Beyond general ear care, CVS also carries a wide variety of ear care solutions for more specific concerns. Drying ear drops made especially for swimmers are available, as well as fast-acting pain relief drops to help soothe the symptoms of earaches and mild ear infections.
If tinnitus or ear ringing affects your daily life, Lipo Flavonoid caplets may help improve symptoms. You can also count on CVS to help enhance your hearing capabilities. From batteries and cleaners to discreet hearing aids, we have an exciting variety of innovative OTC hearing aids and accessories you can browse online today.