Dental Guard
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Dental Guards
You only get one smile, so it's important that you take steps to protect your teeth. If you're prone to grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw, your dentist may recommend that you use a dental night guard for protection. CVS can help you easily follow that advice with a diverse assortment of dental night guards that you can browse and buy online.
Night Guard For Grinding
Bruxism is the medical term for grinding, clenching, and gnashing teeth. Some people do this unconsciously while they are work due to anxiety, frustration, anger, stress, or fear. Other people grind their teeth while they sleep. Medications, caffeine, alcohol, and certain medical disorders can increase the risk of developing bruxism. Mild grinding does not often require treatment; however, moderate to severe bruxism can cause damage to the teeth, jaw pain, and other problems.
Night Guard Benefits
People who grind their teeth at night can often benefit from wearing a dental night guard. Night guards are made out of a laminate or acrylic material that is flexible. Once in place, the night guard acts as a cushion, distributing the pressure from grinding and clenching away from the biting surface. It also reduces friction. These benefits can help to minimize the risk of the teeth becoming damaged due to grinding and may ease symptoms of bruxism. Your dentist can help you determine if a dental night guard is right for you.
Best Night Guard
When shopping for dental night guards, you'll want to begin by considering size. Some guards are one size fits all, while others are designed specifically for people with small, medium, or large-sized mouths. Some dental guards for grinding have special features that may be beneficial for you. For example, some are made of multiple layers of material for greater durability.
How To Use A Dental Night Guard
In order for a dental night guard to work well, it must fit properly. Most dental night guards are customizable. If you purchase one of these night guards, you will receive instructions about how to properly prepare your night guard for use. Make sure to follow the directions closely to ensure the best possible fit. When you're not using your night guard, you'll need to store it in a clean, dry area. Some night guards come with cases to simplify storage. Cleaning your night guard regularly can help to extend its life and keep it hygienic. Your dental night guard will likely come with cleaning instructions for you to follow.