Customer reviews for Edge Sensitive Skin Shave Gel, 2.75 OZ

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Reviewed 12 years agoDuis fermentum purus id leo consequat eget accumsan maurishendrerit. Mauris ut lacus non arcu faucibus scelerisque volutpat rhoncusdiam. Maecenas no
Caum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculusmus. Aliquam eratvolutpat. Curabitur iaculis blandit nulla, sed gravida ante molestieut. Integer aliquet dignissim mauris acpellentesque.
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Details for Edge Sensitive Skin Shave Gel, 2.75 OZ
Concern | Healthy skin & nails |
Form | Gel |
Product type | Shave gel |
Quantity | 0-5 oz |
Skin type | Sensitive |
Symptom | Sensitivity |