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Customer reviews for Burn Jel Max Emergency Burn Care Pain Relieving Gel, 4% Lidocaine HCL

Burn Jel Max Emergency Burn Care Pain Relieving Gel, 4% Lidocaine HCL
$1.82 / oz.
Prices may vary from online to in store

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Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 12 years ago
I am very fair skinned and burn-jel plus is the ONLY product that works to stop the burns progression and relieve the pain. I even use it on my 7 year old. It works fantastic on cooking scalds/burns as well:) I'm allergic to sulpha which is in the burn creams at the hospital so i found burn-jel and it worked!!!!!!
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Reviewed 12 years ago
Best product for any sunburn!
I had gotten badly burned on my arms, shoulders, & upper back from not wearing any sun protection(reallll smart). In the past, I have tried EVERY concoction in the book with little to no relief. Literally, within 5 minutes of applying the gel, I could barely feel that I had gotten burned. It seemed to completely "pull" the heat out of my burn. That night, after showering, I applied more before bed. The following day I applied once in the morning & once at night. That's all I needed. It feels really good, dries quickly, and depending how much you put on, it doesn't make you sticky. It doesn't smell that great, probably because of the tea tree oil. The only "con" I would say is that it's kind of a small bottle. It's only a 4 oz. bottle. If you had gotten burned all over from the sun, it wouldn't last too long. We go boating every weekend so...I know since it's early in the season & I haven't gotten my base tan yet...I'm bound to get burned again. Simply an amazing product.
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Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 13 years ago
The best burn gel out there...
The best burn gel we have ever used. As soon as you put it on, it just takes the burning pain away. My husband burned his back, too much sun, and it help immensely. I recently burned my wrist from boiling hot water from the microwave, a small bit splashed onto my wrist. I did put it under cold water for a few minutes, then put Burn Jel Plus on it. Just took away the burn. Now a week later, its healed up. Wonderful product and seemly only can find at CVS. I would say use this before anything else, til you get doctor care for more serious burns. This product is the best out there.
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Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 13 years ago
A must have for every home/car/first aid kit!
I first learned about this product after we had a little girl scout come to camp with a severe sun burn. I went to the local store and picked this up. It soothed her burn and kept it from blistering. Infact it turned it from bright red to light brown with in a day. (This isnt always the case with some sunburns, it depends on how bad and how often you apply it) We applied it with a soft sponge or cotton ball. I have used it over and over for family members and friends with burns. I now keep 2 bottles at all times! My hubby works outside and keeps one in his truck just in case. Everyone I can tell about this product I do! It works better than any other aloe or cream out there!
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Details for Burn Jel Max Emergency Burn Care Pain Relieving Gel, 4% Lidocaine HCL