Customer reviews for Always Infinity FlexFoam Size 2 Pads, Unscented, Super

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Reviewed 6 years agoLove the awesome features!
Love the awesome features!Love the awesome features!Love the awesome features!Love the awesome features!Love the awesome features!Love the awesome features!
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Reviewed 9 years agoProin accumsan tempor orci, nec condimentum enim malesuadaet.
Proin nec conguerisus.Duis euismod conguesagittis.Nullam tempus ligula ac eros hendreritconsectetur.Praesent ultricies odio in nunc ultriciespharetra.Nam iaculis euismod orci quisultricies.Vestibulum luctus libero et urna imperdietmalesuada.In vitae libero risus, id auctornisl.Nunc sollicitudin, odio eu interdum lobortis, dui risus mattis eros, sit amet laoreet urna sem necnisi.
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Reviewed 9 years agoawsome
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Reviewed 11 years agoawefwae
awefawoiefoiwaejfioawjefiojwaoiejfioweafwefawefa wefwaefweafweafweaf
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Reviewed 11 years agoI love this product!
These pads are great and very comfy. The only thing I would like to see is a light flow pad, because often times the regular flow feels like it's more than I need.
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Reviewed 12 years agoFlawless
These are the most comfortable pads they sell on the market. Super flexible, very soft, lightweight, extremely absorbant, and the dots and lines quickly pulls fluid away from your body. It is exactly like memory foam. Please try these if you need to get new feminine products!
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Reviewed 12 years agoTEST
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Reviewed 12 years agoTest Review STG FF
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Details for Always Infinity FlexFoam Size 2 Pads, Unscented, Super
Absorbency | Super |
Concern | Feminine health |
Form | Pads |
Product type | Pads & pantiliners |
Quantity | 1-60 ct |