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Customer reviews for Pond's Cold Cream Cleanser for Soft and Smooth Skin, Fragrance Free, Dermatologist Tested, 6.1 OZ

Pond's Cold Cream Cleanser for Soft and Smooth Skin, Fragrance Free, Dermatologist Tested, 6.1 OZ
$1.26 / oz.
Prices may vary from online to in store
Size:9.5 Ounces

How to get it

Reviewed 10 years ago
changed formula
Bad News: This use to be a great product, but someone in management changed the formula. Good News: CVS Cold Cream Deep Cleanser is actually better than Ponds' old formula. If you buy online it is normally on sale.
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Reviewed 10 years ago
Love these
(Esta reseña se ha recibido a través de una promoción.) I recommend this product. I suffer from really dry skin on my face and these are perfect for me
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Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 11 years ago
There IS a difference
I love CVS, and I buy their generic products almost all the time. Occasionally, however, when there is difference, I buy the brand name. Ponds is absolutely the creamiest and most soothing cc available, and the CVS brand is noticeably different. So, Ponds is my choice and is absolutely worth the price.
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Reviewed 11 years ago
Suspendisse ut arcu enim, nec sollicitudinmagna.
Fusce tristique venenatis metus acsemper.Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptoshimenaeos.Morbi a sapien non lectus fringillamolestie.In faucibus dui quis nisl egestas a convallis liberovarius.Duis ut purus lobortis purus ornare scelerisque quis nonjusto.
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Yes, I recommend
Verified purchase
Reviewed 11 years ago
Praesent quis ante erat, sit amet conguenulla.
Maecenas non sodalesdui. Vestibulum porta lacus at eros auctor vitae tincidunt ligulaporttitor.
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Reviewed 11 years ago
Nullafacilisi.Quisque non nequemauris.
Sed nisi erat, malesuada eget tincidunt in, vulputate quissapien.Sed posuere molestie diam etvehicula.Nullam suscipit mi eu quam rhoncus eget posuere antepretium.
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Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 11 years ago
Great for clean fresh skin
This is my favorite cleanser because it keeps skin Clean, fresh, and perfectly moisturized. It's especially Great in the winter when my skin tends to get dry and Irritated.
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Reviewed 11 years ago
Sed fringilla malesuadarutrum.
Praesent non malesuadadolor.Curabitur feugiat libero at velit aliquetlacinia.
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Details for Pond's Cold Cream Cleanser for Soft and Smooth Skin, Fragrance Free, Dermatologist Tested, 6.1 OZ