Cream For Vaginal Itching
Cream for Vaginal Itching
When you need a cream for vaginal itching, you want fast relief. Depending on your other symptoms, you may need more than one type of cream. Whatever the cause of your itching, CVS has several creams for vaginal itching to choose from.
What Causes Vaginal Itching?
Vaginal itching can be caused by an imbalance of beneficial and harmful bacteria, known as bacterial vaginosis, and by an overgrowth of yeast, also known as a yeast infection. It can also be the result of getting an STD like chlamydia or gonorrhea. Sometimes vaginal itching comes on because of an allergic reaction or an irritation from clothing, soaps, detergents, tampons, condoms, and more. It can also be a result of a skin disorder, like eczema or lichen sclerosus. Autoimmune disorders can also affect the vaginal area with dryness, itching, and pain. A shift in hormonal levels or having low estrogen can also be a culprit in causing you to experience vaginal discomfort.
How To Relieve Vaginal Itching
Vaginal itching can be treated through a variety of methods, including medications such as creams, antibiotics, suppositories, estrogen, and antihistamines. It can also be treated by putting a cold cloth on the labial area to relieve discomfort. A sitz bath with water can also help.
If the vaginal itching isn't the result of an infection or a skin disorder, you can also try to eliminate some common household products to see if you find relief that way. Some typical sources of irritation include scented laundry detergent, fabric softeners, dryer sheets, scented soaps, body wash, and scented sanitary products. Vaginal itching and irritation can also be caused by underwear made from synthetic fabrics or wearing tight underwear, jeans, pants, or leggings.
What Is Vaginal Itching Cream?
Vaginal itching cream is designed to provide temporary relief to the genital area. For vaginal yeast infections, the proper cream can eliminate infections in a few days. Some creams contain hydrocortisone, which also helps to stop the itching. Vaginal itching creams might also be made with prebiotics, vitamin E and aloe, or oatmeal for sensitive skin. Maximum-strength creams will tackle the very worst sensations, like burning and severe irritation, in addition to itching. You may find a cream that additionally works on controlling odors or includes a fresh scent. There are many kinds of vaginal itching creams for you to choose from at CVS.
How To Apply Vaginal Itching Cream
Consult the packaging to determine the best course of treatment. Some vaginal itching creams only take about three days to cure the infection, while others can take up to a week. To apply most vaginal itching creams, first apply a small amount of the cream onto your finger and then spread the cream onto the irritated skin outside your vagina. Depending on the instructions, you can apply the cream once or twice a day to relieve the irritation and itching.
What Causes Vaginal Itching?
The cause of your vaginal itching may be as simple as a pair of jeans being too tight, or it may be a symptom of a more serious infection. Some of the most common causes of vaginal itching are:
Bacterial vaginosis: A doctor must determine which bacteria are present to prescribe the proper antibiotic.
Yeast infections: Most common yeast infections can be treated by over-the-counter medicines, such as miconazole, tioconazole or clotrimazole. These creams are available in 1-, 3- or 7-day treatments.
Sexually transmitted disease: Must be treated by a doctor.
Chemical irritants: Douches, condoms, contraceptive foams, laundry detergents and fabric softeners are common culprits.
Determining the cause of your discomfort helps you choose the best cream for your vaginal itching.
When Should I See a Doctor for My Vaginal Itching?
If you have symptoms, such as burning, bleeding or a fishy-smelling odor, see your doctor right away. If you've had yeast infections in the past and have all the same symptoms, using an over-the-counter yeast infection remedy may be sufficient; however, if you have no relief within a few days, call your physician.
Which Cream Is Best for Vaginal Itching?
When looking for the best cream for vaginal itching, you may want to look for an anti-itch cream with a mix of ingredients. For example, CVS Health anti-itch cream contains analgesics, such as benzocaine for fast itch relief, benzalkonium chloride to help protect raw skin from infection and moisturizing vitamin E and aloe to soothe and calm irritated skin and reduce the chance of future irritation.
Vagisil's Sensitive Skin formula anti-itch cream may be a good option. You may also consider using a product such as Balneol hygienic cleansing lotion instead of water to soothe and encourage faster healing. Some yeast infection treatments come in a combo pack with an anti-itch cream to help with external healing as well.