Tampax Tampons
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Tampax Tampons
Tampax tampons help you get through your period with minimal leakage, comfortable fits and five levels of absorbency, so you can pick the best match for your body.
How Long Do Tampax Tampons Last?
Regular Tampax tampons should last 4-8 hours, depending on how heavy your menstrual flow is.
Tampax tampons come in five absorbency levels: light, regular, super, super plus and ultra. If you find that your tampon still has a significant amount of white cotton remaining after 8 hours of use, it probably means that you can use a lower absorbency level. Conversely, if the tampon is fully used up within 4 hours of insertion, consider using a tampon at the next level of absorbency.
Many women find they need a higher-absorbency tampon during the beginning of their menstrual period and a lighter one near the end, so some Tampax multipacks include tampons of multiple absorbency levels for convenience.
How to Use a Tampax Tampon
Most Tampax tampons come with cardboard applicators, which makes it easier to insert the cotton tampon into the vagina. Some Tampax applicators are designed to be particularly friendly to women who experience difficulty using traditional insertion methods. For example, Tampax's Radiant and Pearl lines both feature plastic applicators with textured, anti-slip grips. In all cases, follow the instructions on the packaging for best results.
How to Use Tampax Tampons
As long as you're following the instructions on the packaging, you should experience no negative effects from tampon use. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, you should always follow a few simple health guidelines when using tampons:
Tampons should only be used during your period and should be switched out at least once every 8 hours.
Wash your hands before inserting the tampon and after removing it to cut down on the chances of spreading bacteria.
To reduce potential discomfort when removing the tampon, use the lowest-absorbency tampon that can handle your flow. For example, if you find that a super plus Tampax tampon remains partially unused after a full 8 hours of insertion, change to super or regular Tampax tampons.
Tampons should be used only once. While some tampons are marketed as reusable, no reusable tampons are approved or cleared by the FDA.