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Non Toxic Tampons

How to get it

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Softdisc Feminine Protection Cups
$1.11 / ea.
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Chemical-Free Tampon Brands 

When you’re looking for the best nontoxic tampons, read the packaging. Look for manufacturers that state their product is free of fragrances, dioxin, chlorine and other chemicals. Also make sure the cotton is 100% organic. Some brands currently offering tampons without chemicals include: 

Other Chemical-Free Menstrual Products 

Many other chemical-free period options have come onto the market in recent years. Menstrual cups are increasingly popular. They’re reusable, making them a budget-friendly and eco-conscious choice. Those with sensitive skin may also appreciate the medical-grade silicone. Menstrual discs, such as those by Softdisc, are an option for people who still want a disposable period solution. Like menstrual cups, discs are made from medical-grade materials, and you can find hypoallergenic brands.  

When to Choose Nontoxic Tampons

If you’ve switched to organic foods, deodorant and skin care, nontoxic tampons might be next on your list. Tampons may be a convenient lifesaver when your period comes, but they go inside your body for multiple days every month. An organic tampon is an eco-friendly solution that may also help those with sensitive skin.  

What Are Nontoxic Tampons?

Nontoxic tampons are free from chemicals, rayon, fragrances and synthetics. They’re made of 100% organic cotton and are generally considered hypoallergenic.  

By contrast, nonorganic tampons are made from a mix of rayon and chlorine-bleached cotton. Chlorine bleaching releases dioxin, which can be found in tampons, along with fragrances, dyes and other substances.  

To be clear, there’s no scientific evidence that nontoxic tampons are safer than nonorganic tampons. Although your vagina has a thin membrane that absorbs toxins more easily than your outer skin, experts say that the amount of toxins you absorb from tampons is too small to impact your health. However, there are still benefits to switching to a chemical-free brand.  

Why Should I Consider Organic Tampons?

If you have itchiness or rashes in your genital region around that time of the month, you may benefit from switching to nontoxic tampons. Vulvovaginitis or contact dermatitis in the vulva may be caused by a sensitivity to chemicals in tampons, so going organic may deliver a more comfortable period. Remember to always visit a clinic to make sure that the rash isn't a sign of a serious health concern.  

There are also environmental benefits to organic tampons. Fewer chemicals are used when growing the cotton and in the manufacturing process, leading to less pollution. Organic tampons are also biodegradable, as they don’t contain rayon. Given the number of feminine care products that end up in landfill, this is an important consideration. To boost your environmental credentials, look for brands with cardboard or plant-based applicators, or try going applicator-free.