Organic Panty Liners
Organic Panty Liners
Organic cotton panty liners from CVS are perfect for everyday protection against sweat and natural discharge and for extra backup when you're on your period. Made with organic cotton, each panty liner provides an extra layer of natural protection that you can feel good about. Whether you're protecting your underwear during a workout or having a light-flow day, the best organic panty liners can make you feel fresh and more in control while being kind to your skin.
What Are Organic Panty Liners Made From?
The composition of organic panty liners in the CVS feminine care section varies from brand to brand. While some brands, such as Organyc organic cotton panty liners, are made entirely from organic cotton, others contain different types of core material and have an organic cotton top. Regardless of the organic panty liner you choose, you can feel secure knowing that they'll perform just as well as their non-organic counterparts.
What Are the Best Organic Panty Liners?
If you have sensitive skin or you're trying to live more naturally, organic panty liners are ideal. Found next to a wide variety of CVS period products, brands like CORA and Organyc Organic are quickly growing in popularity. In addition to offering great protection, many options are also free of dyes, fragrances, and bleaching processes. If you have concerns about the best type of panty liner for your skin or your period needs, don't be afraid to talk to your doctor.
Can You Wear Organic Panty Liners Every Day?
According to experts, it's absolutely safe to wear organic panty liners every day. Even if you don't have sensitive skin, it's a good idea to monitor your body's reaction to any new product — and organic panty liners aren't any different. If you notice any irritation, itching, or burning, you should stop using the product and consult your physician.
Equally as important, organic panty liners must be changed as frequently as any other type of pad, tampon, or panty liner. When you change your panty liner every 4 to 8 hours, you are cutting down the risk of bacterial formation, infection, and chafing. Although organic cotton panty liners shouldn't be flushed, it's easy to dispose of them. Simply wrap it in the exterior wrapper of your new panty liner and toss it in the nearest garbage bin.