Flex Cup
Flex Cups
Take care of your period easily with a reusable Flex cup menstruation device. These environmentally friendly menstrual cups help reduce the amount of waste in landfills, making them a more sustainable alternative to tampons or pads.
How to Insert a Flex Cup
Many women find Flex reusable discs as convenient and easy to use as tampons. However, menstrual cups can definitely seem tricky if you use one for the first time. Getting familiar with inserting one can take a little practice.
To insert your Flex cup, start by unthreading the pull tab and cleaning your hands and the device with warm soapy water to keep it hygienic. Re-attach the pull tab, and fold the menstrual cup into one of three folds, following the directions. Many women find a specific fold works better, so it may take some experimentation to determine which is best for you.
After folding, choose a position comfortable to you, such as squatting or sitting on the toilet, and use one hand to hold the device and the other to separate your labia. Insert the cup toward your tailbone, stopping about knuckle-deep in a comfortable position. Press on the folded part to expand the cup fully, and it's ready to work.
How to Clean a Flex Cup
Depending on size, flex menstrual discs can hold two to three times the content of a super tampon. The device can be worn for up to 12 hours, after which you'll need to remove it and clean it thoroughly. While toxic shock syndrome hasn't been reported with a Flex cup and seems to occur most readily with improper use of tampons, cleaning your menstrual cup and following all manufacturer directions helps drastically lower your risk of experiencing this condition.
To clean your Flex cup, remove the device gently, and pour the contents into the toilet for disposal. Rinse out the cup, and wash it using either mild soap or Flex foaming cup wash, depending on whichever you find easiest. Flex biodegradable wipes also offer a water-free option for use while traveling.
Why Is My Flex Cup Leaking?
Generally, if your Flex cup leaks, it's likely due to incorrect application or using the wrong fold. An easy way to check the application is to run your finger along the bottom of the device, ensuring it feels smooth with no indentations. If you're using your menstrual cup for the first time, it may help to wear a pad or panty liner to absorb any leakage until you're confident with the insertion process.