Aluminum Free Women's Deodorant
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Aluminum-Free Women's Deodorant Provides Underarm Odor Protection
Aluminum-free women's deodorant provides an odor-fighting option for your underarm area. It eliminates the sweat-blocking antiperspirant effect and deals directly with odor to make you feel more confident about how you smell.
How Does Aluminum-Free Women's Deodorant Compare to Regular Deodorant and Antiperspirant?
The aluminum in underarm products creates an antiperspirant effect that stops you from sweating. It blocks your pores in that area to keep the sweat from coming to the skin's surface.
Aluminum-free women's deodorant removes the sweat-blocking effect. It serves as strictly a deodorant without antiperspirant, which means the active ingredients help to control the bacteria that can cause underarm odor. If you switch to aluminum-free deodorant, you'll have protection against odors, but you won't have any protection against wetness.
Which Women's Deodorant Doesn't Have Aluminum?
You can find aluminum-free women's deodorant from many major brands, from Secret to Dove. Many products that are just deodorant without antiperspirant are free of aluminum, even if the package doesn't specifically advertise it.
Finding the best aluminum-free women's deodorant for you is easy when you look for packages that make the aluminum-free claim. If you have a deodorant brand you prefer, look for products in that line that are only deodorant — if the package mentions antiperspirant or wetness control, it likely has aluminum in it. When you find a product that seems like a good match, check the ingredient label to look for any form of aluminum.
Is Aluminum Free Deodorant Effective?
Aluminum-free women's deodorant is effective against underarm bacteria that can create odors. It might take you some time to find the best deodorant for women's body odor without aluminum, though. Your body can take some time to transition away from having the aluminum component in your underarm personal care products. It can take 2-4 weeks for your body to get rid of the aluminum buildup and get the bacteria levels under control with your new aluminum-free deodorant. During that transition, some people notice an increase in sweating and body odors.
Before you decide whether aluminum-free deodorant is right for you, allow a few weeks to go through this process to see if the odors and sweating improve. Even after the transition, you might notice more sweating than you experienced with antiperspirant products since aluminum-free products don't provide that moisture control.