Paraben Free Men's Deodorant
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Paraben Free Men's Deodorant
If you're concerned about what you're putting on your skin, paraben-free men's deodorant from CVS is a great choice. Paraben-free deodorants work just as well as other kinds of deodorant, and they come in a range of application options. Whether you prefer an aluminum-free variety or one designed to offer 48-hour protection, a spray, stick or gel is available that suits your body's specific needs.
What Does Paraben Free Men's Deodorant Mean?
It's impossible to browse the CVS personal care section without noticing that many cosmetic products are promoting their paraben-free status. But what are parabens? Parabens are chemical additives used to preserve a product's lifespan. According to the FDA, these preservatives are safe for use, but many people prefer deodorants that don't include parabens. In fact, many deodorants are aluminum-free, such as Tom's of Maine's deodorant for men.
What's the Best Paraben Free Men's Deodorant?
Just like all the men's deodorants available at CVS, the best paraben-free deodorant is the one that matches your body's needs. While some might need a deodorant with 48-hour protection, such as Axe deodorant stick, others may prefer a deodorant spray to take on the go for reapplication, such as Crystal Rock body spray. Once you figure out how long you want your deodorant to last and how often you like to reapply it, it's easy to choose the one that's perfect for you. If it's important that your deodorant is paraben-free or aluminum-free, read the label to ensure those ingredients are omitted from the formula.
Where to Find Paraben Free Men's Deodorant?
The CVS deodorant section has plenty of paraben-free and aluminum-free men's deodorant options. As you're reaching for your favorite scent or brand, see if there's a paraben-free option next to some of the deodorants you've already tried. From Method Men aluminum-free deodorant to more well-known products, such as Dove Men+Care deodorant, there's a deodorant that can outlast even your most strenuous of days. Although it's safe to reapply your deodorant as many times a day as you'd like, knowing that it's lacking certain chemicals, such as parabens, can make you feel extra-protected.