Customer reviews for O.B. Pro Comfort Tampons, Regular Absorbency

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Reviewed 9 years agoNot for me
I wanted to try this product. So, when I was offered to try this product for free in exchange for my honest review , I jumped at the opportunity. I can say that this product is not for everyone. I am use to an applicator and could not get the hang of these tampons. I will probably try them again at some point, but for now they just did not work for me.
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Reviewed 9 years agoNullam ut erat quis augue facilisissagittis.
Aenean nec scelerisquenunc.Praesent non malesuadadolor.Curabitur feugiat libero at velit aliquetlacinia.
Sed rutrum quam sit amet purus luctus at aliquet antedapibus.In leo libero, aliquam et pretium vitae, hendrerit atdui.Fusce condimentum posuerevenenatis.
Sed vel nisl a mi pellentesque porta ut arisus.Phasellus euismod porttitor enim, vitae rhoncus risus pellentesquea.Vestibulum quis vulputateodio.
Nam in sapien sit amet justo convallis ultrices at vitaesem.Nunc metus diam, aliquet id scelerisque sed, laoreet infelis.Morbi dictum porta tellus, vitae bibendum diam iaculisid.Nulla eget nuncleo.
Mauris lobortis tempus sem sit ametdictum.Suspendisse quam eros, porttitor eu rhoncus at, euismod elementumlorem.Nam pharetra elit vel ipsum pretium ut aliquam ligulafaucibus.Maecenas vel massa urna, vehicula malesuadadui.
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Reviewed 9 years agoNot a great tampon but worth a try
This tampon brand had it's fair share of upsides and downsides.
Pros include:
-Very compact and fit anywhere. Great for travel or keeping in a small wallet.
-Eco-friendly. Does not include an applicator or bulky packaging.
-Incredibly awkward insertion. To insert, you fan out the bottom of the tampon, position your finger in the fanned out bottom, and insert. I prefer using an applicator since it's less messy and I know the tampon is in correctly.
-There were some leaks. Not as absorbent as I would have liked.
Because of the price, these are worth a try. If you don't like them, not much money was wasted. They are incredibly convenient with their size.
I received a free product for the purpose of my review. Opinions are 100% my own.
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Reviewed 9 years agoWeird and uncomfortable
It's pretty impossible to get these to go in as far as needed unless you have super long fingers. They're not too comfortable, and frankly having to stick your whole finger up while you're bleeding is not too pleasant.
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Reviewed 9 years agoSuspendisse ut arcu enim, nec sollicitudinmagna.
Aenean malesuada semper est quisluctus.Nullam eu nisi a velit consecteturegestas.Quisque dignissim viverra nibh, non cursus tortor condimentumvel.
Nam non odio nec lorem accumsanlacinia.Cras vel orci id felis lobortis rhoncus ut anulla.
Ut laoreet nuncjusto.Nullam vel orci vitae orci viverra interdum a quislectus.In porta sapien vel orci sodales accumsan porta ligulaporta.Vivamus erat nulla, feugiat vitae placerat id, ullamcorper quisnisi.
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Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 9 years agogood
What an excellent product!
I love these because they are applicator free!!!
This means:
1) I am not leaving as much garbage (biodegradable or not) behind
2) I can carry these a lot more discretely--these are only half the length of a "conventional", applicator-burdened, tampon
3) I do not have to insert something scratchy into the a very sensitive area of my body
4) My monthly supply of these goodies does not take up as much space in my hygiene drawer
Moreover, these tampons seem to be silkier so they glide in very well, and because I am using my fingers I can determine the best position much easier rather than using a plastic/paper tube (the applicator)
These are very absorbent and appear to be licking less then applicator-burdened tampons, probably due to better positioning.
All in all I think these are superior to any applicator-burdened conventional tampons!!!
"I received a free product for the purpose of my review. Opinions are 100% my own."
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Reviewed 9 years agoGrossed me out
I was excited about trying these because of the size and I thought not having an applicator would make them less bulky. Also, I figured not using plastic would be much better for the earth. All these things held true. However, I cannot get past the application process. This says that there is a finger pocket that will protect your finger from soiling - not true. I felt disgusted as I followed the directions step by step to use the product. I quickly made the decision to stick with my original brand. I think the the thought was good, but they still haven't perfected the sanitary side of this.
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Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 9 years agoDecent, but not the best
The brand itself seems wonderful. I thoroughly respect their effort to reduce waste by foregoing an applicator. The o.b.® PRO COMFORT® tampons did seem a bit small at first glance, though. Being somebody who usually requires the super or super plus size, I do prefer a product with more material and more absorption. The o.b.® PRO COMFORT® tampons did not completely leave my liner clean, but most tampons don't. It is a decent product, though. I would prefer a better insertion point on the tampon, as the one on these isn't sufficient, in my opinion. Overall, the o.b.® PRO COMFORT® tampons are mediocre. They aren't the best tampons I have ever used, but they aren't the worst either. I will keep them around for emergencies and travel, as they store easily in a cute carrying case. I received this product for free in return for my honest review.
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Details for O.B. Pro Comfort Tampons, Regular Absorbency
Absorbency | Super |
Concern | Feminine health |
Product type | Tampons |
Quantity | 1-60 ct |
Scent | Unscented |