Customer reviews for O.B. Pro Comfort Tampons, Super Absorbency

O.B. Pro Comfort Tampons, Super Absorbency
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35 reviews
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Reviewed 9 years ago
Not a fan
I received these for free from smiley for my feed back. I usually wear tampons while I'm out of the house, I have to say these didn't do a good job at absorbing. The non applicator was interesting and good but I would use theses on my light days.
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Reviewed 9 years ago
o.b. Pro Comfort Tampon
I received this item for free to review but my opinion was not biased as a result. I was a little hesitant to try this item at first. I've always used traditional tampons that have applicators and thought that since this one did not have one it would give me a different experience. First, I love how small these tampons are. You can put them in pretty much anything. Any bag, pocket, or even wallet which is extremely convenient when you are on the go. Second, there is almost no waste with this tampon. A teeny wrapper is on the tampon and that is the extent of the waste. Lastly, the coverage that you receive is amazing. For this tampon being such a compact design you receive superior coverage. I had zero issues with leakage.
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Reviewed 9 years ago
I was unsure of the lack of an applicator with OB Tampons but I gave them a try since they were free! I have to say I am more than impressed! No leaks, No mess, No fuss! & They are super comfortable! I will for sure be buying OB from now on! I received this product for free for the purpose of my review. Opinions are 100% my own!
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Reviewed 9 years ago
Protection Lock
My reviews are 100% my opinion. I was given a sample for free being a member of Smiley 360. I have always been a pad user. Once in a while would I attempt a tampon. The applicators were always so uncomfortable and made it hard to use. I like how this allow me to create my own comfort. The design is simple, no gimmicks or color packages to pull in sales. Its a discreet item to quickly pack and go. The leak protection insures I am covered and there will be no accidents. It is a functional item that actual does its job.
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Reviewed 9 years ago
In ullamcorper adipiscing lorem idsagittis.
Nulla sed nibh est, in conguemassa.Aenean sit amet lacusmagna.Caum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculusmus.
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Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 9 years ago
Aenean malesuada semper est quisluctus.
Phasellus ligula ante, sagittis nec dapibus nec, mollis velrisus.Mauris quis portaeros.Quisque non nequemauris.Nunc sagittis, quam in placerat egestas, augue tellus varius eros, in venenatis eros nibh idmassa.
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Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 9 years ago
Suspendisse ornare tellus quis mi laoreetrutrum.
Suspendisse rhoncus, libero non vehicula sodales, nisl lorem vestibulum magna, non condimentum nisl est quisligula.Nullafacilisi.In tellus diam, mollis ac suscipit non, malesuada sedmetus. Nullam malesuada purus nec tortor convallis vitae consectetur sapiensodales.Nunc lorem neque, condimentum id fermentum a, aliquam sit ametligula.Sed ullamcorper dignissim est idporttitor. Mauris ullamcorper metus vitae dolor dignissimporttitor.Sed vestibulum varius leo, vitae mollis elit eleifenda.Sed tempus lectus eget risus variuscursus.Aenean eleifend mauris sed tortor venenatis quis sagittis erateuismod. Praesent quis ante erat, sit amet conguenulla.Sed posuere pharetra massa aaliquam.Etiam dapibus rutrumhendrerit.In at nibh sit amet mauris ultriciescommodo.
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Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 9 years ago
In hac habitasse plateadictumst.
Donec sagittis placerat magna nonaliquet.Pellentesque suscipit sollicitudin magna, sed fermentum ante vestibulumac.Maecenas quis nibh at arcu volutpat pharetra quis nontortor.Vestibulum arcu magna, pellentesque non pellentesque sit amet, varius nonmetus.
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Details for O.B. Pro Comfort Tampons, Super Absorbency

ConcernFeminine health
Product typeTampons
QuantitySingle pack