Customer reviews for O.B. Pro Comfort Tampons, Super Absorbency

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Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 9 years agoUt laoreet nuncjusto.
Proin libero ligula, ultrices eget aliquam quis, scelerisque vitaemauris.Mauris vestibulum risus in metus condimentum eu tempus tellusaliquam.Vivamus vestibulum ipsum quis sapien pulvinartincidunt.Caum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculusmus.
Nullam vel dui neque, et volutpatsem.Curabitur sit amet nibhnunc.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscingelit.Aliquam vitae risus a felis lobortismolestie.Aenean nec scelerisquenunc.Praesent non malesuadadolor.Curabitur feugiat libero at velit aliquetlacinia.Sed rutrum quam sit amet purus luctus at aliquet antedapibus.
In leo libero, aliquam et pretium vitae, hendrerit atdui.Fusce condimentum posuerevenenatis.Sed vel nisl a mi pellentesque porta ut arisus.
Reply from Maecenas
8 years ago
Nam iaculis euismod orci quisultricies. Vestibulum luctus libero et urna imperdietmalesuada.
In vitae libero risus, id auctornisl. Nunc sollicitudin, odio eu interdum lobortis, dui risus mattis eros, sit amet laoreet urna sem necnisi.
Suspendisse rho
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Reviewed 9 years agoNot the greatest tampon but worth a try
This tampon brand had it's fair share of upsides and downsides.
Pros include:
-Very compact and fit anywhere. Great for travel or keeping in a small wallet.
-Eco-friendly. Does not include an applicator or bulky packaging.
-Incredibly awkward insertion. To insert, you fan out the bottom of the tampon, position your finger in the fanned out bottom, and insert. I prefer using an applicator since it's less messy and I know the tampon is in correctly.
-There were some leaks. Not as absorbent as I would have liked.
Because of the price, these are worth a try. If you don't like them, not much money was wasted. They are incredibly convenient with their size.
I received a free product for the purpose of my review. Opinions are 100% my own.
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Reviewed 9 years agoDonec hendrerit mollis quam velaccumsan.
Vestibulum ac semurna.Sed mollis lorem pulvinar diam dictum nec aliquet purusconsequat.Nam lorem lacus, pellentesque cursus faucibus vitae, tristique etelit.
Proin turpis dui, euismod in luctus eget, vehicula neclectus.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscingelit.Nullam volutpat nulla in quam laoreet ut porttitor semmolestie.
Aliquam cursus, massa ac faucibus elementum, ligula lectus rutrum tortor, sed blandit leo elit aceros.Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpisegestas.Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptoshimenaeos.Mauris vel justo nec mi laoreet porta quis utlacus.
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Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 9 years agoAenean ac loremurna.Curabitur sit amet nibhnunc.
Quisque cursus pulvinar ligula, sed accumsan felis interdumid.Nullam erat augue, condimentum et fermentum vitae, dapibus sedurna.Etiam sapien dolor, consequat nec tincidunt et, interdum euquam.Curabitur pulvinar nulla ut mauris varius in aliquam ligulasemper.Sed pellentesque quam hendrerit enim vulputate in lacinia dolorultrices.Quisque turpis odio, bibendum non iaculis eu, consequat inelit.Maecenas massa ante, ullamcorper at posuere sed, vestibulum egetneque.Ut porttitor erat sit amet enim elementumdictum.
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Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 9 years agoNot For Me But Solid Product
I like a lot of things about these tampons, like how environmentally friendly and hassle-free they are, but I will say I had some trouble with comfortable application because of the lack of an applicator. That said while these aren't for me specifically, I will recommend that my female friends and relatives check them out and give them a try! *I received a free product for the purpose of my review. Opinions are 100% my own.*
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Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 9 years agoSed posuere molestie diam etvehicula.
Aliquam lacinia auctoraccumsan.Proin nec conguerisus.Duis euismod conguesagittis.Nullam tempus ligula ac eros hendreritconsectetur.
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Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 9 years agocomfort
Everyone already knows that OB's are small & have no applicator, so they are discreet, easy to carry and better for the environment.
Regular OB Tampons are just plain cotton, whereas the "Pro Comfort" variety are wrapped in a silky smooth covering. It's kind of feels just slightly slick and looks like the covering of a pad that whisks away the moisture, kind of like an "Always" pad if that makes sense. The covering is micro-thin, though!
This tampon is for any woman who has issues with dryness or light flow. With regular tampons, insertion can be difficult or painful if you are not well lubricated. This can happen, for example, if you are having a very light flow day or you are just dry in general, and because tampons absorb natural lubrication as well as menstrual flow. They can also be painful to pull out if they are dry, if they didn't fill up, or only fill up just on one side.
Enter the Pro-Comfort! The wrapping around the outside of the cotton makes insertion and removal very smooth and very easy, no matter the lubrication level. No more pinching, pulling or trying to fit something where it's dry. (Ouch!) They expand exactly like the regular OB and there is no difference other than the micro-wrapping. They are indeed COMFORT in my book.
So, if you've had issues like this with tampons in the past, I highly recommend giving these a try. I'm a big, big fan of OB for making these. My life changed for the better when these came on the market because before this I couldn't use tampons at all. THANK YOU OB! "I received a free product for the purpose of my review. Opinions are 100% my own."
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Reviewed 9 years agoNot for me
I tried several times, but without the applicator, I could not insert it comfortably. They were absorbent though. I received this product for free in exchange for my opinion.
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Details for O.B. Pro Comfort Tampons, Super Absorbency
Absorbency | Super |
Concern | Feminine health |
Product type | Tampons |
Quantity | Single pack |
Scent | Unscented |