Customer reviews for Musk By Alyssa Ashley Eau De Toilette Natural Spray

How to get it
Reviewed 3 years agoEasy to useOut of 5
Long lastingOut of 5
TasteOut of 5
ScentOut of 5
Gentle on babyOut of 5
SafetyOut of 5
AbsorbencyOut of 5
FlavorOut of 5
FreshnessOut of 5
Portion sizeOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Effectiveness Out of 5
Value Out of 5
Sed tempus lectus eget risus variuscursus.
Suspendisse dolor sem, vulputate vitae laoreet eu, auctor idtortor.In malesuada adipiscing enim, at porttitor dolor venenatisac.In hac habitasse plateadictumst.
Pellentesque gravida luctus augue atmollis.In quis risus magna, nec blanditrisus.Nullam tempor eleifend nisi egetconsequat.Morbi laoreet pellentesque libero, at tristique velit conguemalesuada.
Fusce tristique venenatis metus acsemper.Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptoshimenaeos.Morbi a sapien non lectus fringillamolestie.In faucibus dui quis nisl egestas a convallis liberovarius.
Duis ut purus lobortis purus ornare scelerisque quis nonjusto.Nullam nec mi non ipsum tristiqueposuere.Aenean interdum aliquamiaculis.Aenean at tortor libero, quis posuererisus.
Reply from Caum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis
2 years ago
Nullam nec mi non ipsum tristiqueposuere. Aenean interdum aliquamiaculis. Aenean at tortor libero, quis posuererisus.
Aliquam lacinia auctoraccumsan.
Duis fermentum
Yes, helpful
Not helpful
Reviewed 3 years agoEasy to useOut of 5
Long lastingOut of 5
TasteOut of 5
ScentOut of 5
Gentle on babyOut of 5
SafetyOut of 5
AbsorbencyOut of 5
Easy to swallowOut of 5
FlavorOut of 5
FreshnessOut of 5
Portion sizeOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Effectiveness Out of 5
Value Out of 5
Meets expectationsOut of 5
Reply from Curabitur pulvinar
2 years ago
Maecenas quis nibh at arcu volutpat pharetra quis nontortor. Vestibulum arcu magna, pellentesque non pellentesque sit amet, varius nonmetus.
Phasellus sit amet quam lectus, ac sagittiserat. Quisque nec velit sit amet arcu mattislaoreet.
Duis ut purus lobortis pur
Yes, helpful
Not helpful
Reviewed 3 years agoLong lastingOut of 5
TasteOut of 5
ScentOut of 5
Gentle on babyOut of 5
SafetyOut of 5
AbsorbencyOut of 5
Easy to swallowOut of 5
FreshnessOut of 5
Portion sizeOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Effectiveness Out of 5
Value Out of 5
Meets expectationsOut of 5
Etiam dapibus rutrumhendrerit.Ut a elitmi.
Vivamus ultrices condimentumauctor.Proin porttitor vehicula risus egetimperdiet.Nullam quam purus, blandit quis convallis nec, mattis idenim.Fusce nec massa quis nibh dapibusmolestie.
Reply from Sed ultricies ultricies erat
2 years ago
Maecenas non sodalesdui.
Vestibulum porta lacus at eros auctor vitae tincidunt ligulaporttitor.
Donec tincidunt odio sed neq
Yes, helpful
Not helpful
Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 3 years agoEasy to useOut of 5
Long lastingOut of 5
TasteOut of 5
Gentle on babyOut of 5
SafetyOut of 5
AbsorbencyOut of 5
Easy to swallowOut of 5
FlavorOut of 5
FreshnessOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Effectiveness Out of 5
Value Out of 5
Meets expectationsOut of 5
Quality Out of 5
Reply from CVS/pharmacy
2 years ago
Nunc sagittis, quam in placerat egestas, augue tellus varius eros, in venenatis eros nibh idmassa.
Donec sagittis placerat magna nonaliquet. Pellentesque suscipit sollicitudin magna, sed fermentum ante vestibulumac. Maecenas quis nibh at arcu volutpat pharetra quis nontortor.
Pellentesque vel magna ac sapien elementum fringilla et eunisl. Nullam ut erat qui
Yes, helpful
Not helpful
Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 10 years agoGo-to fragrance.
Have used for years. This is a great fragrance for layering. Always get compliments - never overpowering.
0 users found this review helpful.Yes, helpful
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Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 11 years agoFor Mom
This is the only fragrance my mother ever wears! She adores it. She always smells great. Two people can wear the same perfume and it can smell different on both of them. My mom loves what I wear, however on herself she doesn't like the way it smells. She has worn many perfumes over the years,but she always comes back to Alyssa Ashley. It is just the perfect perfume for her.
0 users found this review helpful.Yes, helpful
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Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 11 years agosoft & sensual
I love this fragrance because it's lovely, soft and it lingers.
0 users found this review helpful.Yes, helpful
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Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 12 years agoThis has the most lovely light fragrence and the most noticible I have ever used. Every person I come in contact with wants to know what it is.
If you want to be noticed this is the one for you. And if you want to get on her good side, you'll be noticed to. I give it an excellent rating, and you can take my word for it, It's for any occasion, and you won't regret it.
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Details for Musk By Alyssa Ashley Eau De Toilette Natural Spray
Product type | Eau de toilette |
Quantity | 0-5 oz |