Eczema Treatments
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Eczema Cream
Soothe itching and other symptoms of eczema and dermatitis with CVS Pharmacy's eczema creams. These products include medicated and non-medicated options, allowing you to choose the level of relief to suit your skin's needs.
What Is Eczema?
Eczema is a term that is commonly used to refer to a group of medical conditions that cause the skin to become inflamed and irritated. Regardless of the location, common symptoms of eczema include: dry skin, itchy rash, and skin thickening. Affected areas may appear dry, scaly, or have a thickened layer of skin. The rash may also appear reddish in color, then transition into a darker brown.
What Causes Eczema?
An exact cause of eczema is unknown. However, we understand that eczema may be attributed to a number of reasons, including certain genes and triggers that affect the skin. Some people may also experience what is known as eczema flare-ups which are instances of itchy skin that occur in response to a substance or condition. Some conditions that may cause flare-ups include upper respiratory infections and the common cold.
What Are the Different Types of Eczema?
There are several different types of eczema that people may experience, which include: atopic dermatitis (which is the most common form of eczema), contact dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema, nummular eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, and stasis dermatitis. Children and babies commonly experience eczema on their cheeks and chin. Adults may develop eczema as well even if they never had it as a child.
What Are The Symptoms Of Eczema?
Some symptoms of eczema include dry, sensitive skin, red inflammation on skin, dark colored patches of skin, leathery or scaly skin patches, areas of swelling, crusting, or severe itching.
What Are the Differences Between Psoriasis and Eczema?
Both psoriasis and eczema are skin conditions, but they are different in how they appear and feel. Eczema is commonly described as an intense itching feeling whereas psoriasis may include both an itching and burning sensation. Eczema may often appear as a red skin inflammation, whereas psoriasis may appear as silvery or scaly skin and often has a deeper reddish color than eczema. Consult a dermatologist if you are unsure what kind of skin condition you may have to ensure that you get the proper treatment.
What Cream Is Good for Eczema?
Potent prescription steroid creams, such as triamcinolone, are among the most common treatments for eczema, but there are various effective non-medicated options too. Over-the-counter creams often contain colloidal oatmeal, niacinamide, ceramides and other gentler ingredients. Colloidal oatmeal helps reduce inflammation and can assist with the restoration of your skin's moisture barrier, alleviating the dryness and other symptoms of eczema. Niacinamide soothes redness and irritation, and ceramides support your skin's moisture balance, helping it stay hydrated for many hours. Some eczema creams contain a combination of these ingredients, which may give even better relief.
What Is The Best Cream For Eczema?
Over-the-counter products are suitable for most people and carry less risk of side effects. These products, such as Eucerin Eczema Relief Body Creme and Aveeno Eczema Therapy, can be used daily and are unlikely to cause rebound symptoms if you stop treatment. They also work well together with other stronger medicated creams, as they support your skin's healing process and help it stay hydrated.
If your eczema is severe or widespread or doesn't respond to gentle products with colloidal oatmeal, consider asking your pharmacist whether an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream may be suitable. These products contain a weak steroid that eases the inflammation that causes eczema, giving you quick, long-lasting relief in only a few hours. Stronger prescription steroid creams are also available, and your doctor can determine whether one of these products is the right choice for you.
What Does Eczema Look Like?
Eczema typically makes the skin appear red and splotchy. In some cases, it may also cause the skin to thicken and become dark or brown in color. This condition is typically accompanied by itching and a burning sensation that may get worse if it goes untreated. It can also present as rashes on the elbows and knees, as well as the face. Eczema in babies is more commonly found on the scalp and cheeks. Talk to a dermatologist if you think you may have eczema or to find out more about the right form of eczema treatment for you.
How To Get Rid Of Eczema On Face
To get rid of eczema on the face, use a quality eczema face cream or eczema face wash that is specially formulated for the facial skin. Wash your face regularly using gentle products that are hypoallergenic and don't contain any additional artificial fragrances or colors. Stick to gentle products as often as possible and keep your skin clean as much as you can. If you don't get any relief using over-the-counter eczema products, your dermatologist may prescribe you a topical medication for the face.
Does Cortizone Cream Help Eczema?
Eczema results from your immune system mistakenly targeting your skin and causing inflammation. Inflammation is usually a good thing as it helps your body fight infections and aids in the healing of injuries, but the unnecessary inflammation of autoimmune conditions, such as eczema, serves no useful purpose. Instead, it leads to damage that causes redness, itching and other symptoms.
Cortizone and other topical hydrocortisone products target and relieve inflammation by shutting down the errant immune response in your skin without affecting immunity elsewhere. They're often some of the best eczema creams to use if gentler products aren't helping, but they can cause more side effects and aren't suitable for long-term use except when recommended by your doctor. They're also not usually suitable for children or babies, so stick to baby eczema creams and other products for your little ones.
Learn about the different types of eczema, like Baby Eczema and how to treat it, by reading more.
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