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How To Take Your Temperature
Taking your temperature is one of the easiest and most effective ways to determine if you are sick, and if so, how sick you are. In addition, your temperature is often used to help determine if you may be contagious or not so you can decide whether or not to mingle with other people. The way that you take your temperature will depend on what type of thermometer you are using.
Today, one of the most common types of thermometers works by being swiped across the forehead. This can be done in just seconds and will provide you with an accurate reading. Other similar models will allow you to simply place the sensor on or near the forehead to get the reading. While rarely done at home these days, the most accurate way to take a temperature is rectally. This is when the sensor end of the thermometer is placed just inside the rectum. This should only be done when using a thermometer designed for this, and thanks to other available options, only really needs to be done by a doctor or on doctor's orders. You can also take temperatures orally.
How To Take Oral Temperature
Taking oral temperature is an easy option that has been popular for generations. To do this, you simply place the sensor end of the thermometer under your tongue and wait for about a minute. If using a digital thermometer, make sure to press the button to activate it before putting it in your mouth. Once ready, digital thermometers typically beep to let you know that it is displaying your temperature.
What Temperature Is A Fever?
For most people, a normal body temperature is somewhere between 97 and 99 degrees Fahrenheit and generally remains quite consistent. Most medical professionals agree that a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or above is considered a fever. If, however, your normal body temperature is 97 degrees, you may consider anything above about 99 to be a low-grade fever. A low-grade fever is typically anything between 100.4 and 102.2 degrees and is usually just a normal part of your body's immune response. If you have a temperature above that level, or you have other symptoms beyond the fever, you should contact a doctor or pharmacist to see what should be done.
What is a thermometer?
A medical thermometer measures a person’s body temperature. The temperature can be measured in various locations on the body that maintains a stable temperature. For example, an oral temperature is taken from a person who is capable of holding the thermometer securely underneath the tongue. Another option is an axilla temperature or a temperature reading from the armpit. The axilla temperature is taken by holding the thermometer tightly under the armpit. For an accurate reading, the person may need to hold the thermometer for several minutes.
Best Thermometer
When you or a member of your family is sick, keeping track of internal body temperature can be extremely important. High body temperatures can sometimes mean more serious problems like a possible infection, flu, or other serious illness. Thermometers help make it easy for parents to take a quick temperature of their baby or child, and CVS offers a wide range of products to choose from. You can shop the selection of home thermometers and search them by price, life stage, brand name, ratings, and more.
Smart Thermometers
Today's modern thermometer is easier to use than ever before. Digital readings can make it much simpler for you to get a quick glimpse of someone's body temperature. Some models will even store several recent readings in the unit so you can track progress and determine whether or not yourself or your loved one will require an urgent visit to the doctor. These new "smart thermometers" typically offer precise, quick readings for easier use at home.
Types of Thermometers
While oral thermometers have long been a popular choice, more modern styles can make taking a person's temperature easier than ever before. When it comes to little ones, try a pacifier thermometer or one that easily fits under the baby's underarm. Temporal thermometers and in-ear thermometers are quick and easy to use, and they typically work effectively on practically every age group. Thanks to these modern thermometers, making a fast and accurate determination can be a lot simpler.
How To Tell If You Have A Fever
Safe body temperature levels can vary slightly depending on a person's age. However, in most cases, when someone has a high body temperature that lasts for a prolonged period of time, it's best to see your health care provider. Many newer thermometer models include Bluetooth capability that can connect to your smartphone and can provide detailed insight as to when or why a temperature reading could be dangerous. Pay close attention to your patient's temperature and check it every few hours. If it spikes dangerously, it's recommended that you see a doctor immediately.
How To Clean A Thermometer
When you take someone's temperature orally or through the ears, a probe cover is recommended. This will help keep the actual thermometer probe clean and can help prevent possible infection. CVS sells a wide range of probe covers to fit a variety of thermometer styles. If you don't have a cover, clean the probe thoroughly with alcohol and allow it to dry before re-use.
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