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Compression Socks For Men

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Compression Socks For Men

Socks can be more than just fashion accessories. Compression socks often play an important role in assisting in treatment and management plans for a wide range of medical conditions. If you're in need of compression socks, you're sure to find the right pair at CVS. To simplify shopping, all of the compression socks for men are featured on this page. You can browse the product selection, purchase men's compression socks online, and have your order shipped to your home.

Men's Compression Socks Benefits

Compression socks look like ordinary socks but have a tighter fit. Once in place, compression socks squeeze the legs, applying pressure to the blood vessels that can help transport blood to your lower body. This can cause the blood vessels to widen and potentially allow blood to pass through more easily. Due to their potential to support of healthy circulation, men's compression socks can be recommended for a number of concerns. Your medical provider may advise you to wear them to ease swelling of your legs or feet or to address varicose veins or spider veins. After surgery, compression socks may be used to help minimize the risk of blood clots. Athletes and fitness enthusiasts may wear compression socks to increase endurance and assist with post work-out recovery.

Compression Stocking Strengths

One of the most important things to consider when shopping for compression socks for men is compression strength. Measured in milligrams of mercury (mmHg), the compression strength tells you how much squeeze a particular pair of compression socks provides. For mild symptoms of fatigue and exercise, light compression-level socks are often ideal. Medical providers typically recommend medium-level compression socks for managing symptoms of most conditions. When medium-level socks do not sufficiently address symptoms, firm compression options may be necessary. Your health care provider can help you decide which compression level you should start with.

Best Compression Stockings For Men

Like conventional socks, men's compression socks come in a variety of styles. You can find heavier athletic-style socks for casual wear and dressier options for work. Compression socks for men are also available in below-the-knee and above-the-knee heights. Your health care provider may advise you to choose one height over another. Depending on the style that you choose, you may have your choice of colors.

Some compression socks for men are offered in more than one size. As a result, it's important that you read the product descriptions carefully and examine size charts when selecting socks.