Antacid For Indigestion
Antacid for Indigestion
Choose an antacid for indigestion to help overcome symptoms such as heartburn and acid reflux. CVS has a wide range of antacids to suit your needs.
Do Antacids Help With Indigestion?
Antacids may help with many symptoms of indigestion, including:
Feeling uncomfortably full
Pain or burning in the upper abdomen, chest area or upper back
However, antacids can only help treat symptoms, not the underlying cause. If you experience symptoms of indigestion for 2 weeks without relief, see your doctor for help with a long-term solution. This may include lifestyle changes or prescription medications for ongoing relief.
Which Antacid Is Used for Indigestion?
All antacids have the potential to relieve symptoms of indigestion, but the ingredients used can potentially interact with other medications or conditions. Speak to your pharmacist, or visit a CVS MinuteClinic for advice on the best antacid for indigestion to suit your circumstances.
The decision between a tablet or liquid antacid is a personal choice. Some people find that liquid antacids provide faster relief. If you are taking tablets, chewing well before swallowing can help speed up the effects of the medication.
In addition to antacid-only medication, many manufacturers use additional ingredients to enhance the effect of these compounds. Some include an H2 blocker that blocks cells from producing stomach acid, meaning there's less acid to cause indigestion. You can also purchase antacids with alginate. This is a gum-like substance that forms a barrier between your stomach and esophagus, stopping acids from coming back up.
If you’re looking for an antacid for an upset stomach, brands such as Tums relieve multiple symptoms. Some antacids also disperse gas for people who experience bloating, though you can also find specific gas relief products that may offer additional assistance.