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Reading Glasses

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CVS Health Microfiber Pre-moistened Lens Wipes, 120 CT
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ZEISS Lens Cleaning Spray Twin Pack
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CVS Health Eyeglass Repair Kit
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Does CVS Sell Reading Glasses?

Yes, CVS sells a variety of Reading Glasses in stores and online.

Where Can I Find Readers Near Me?

Use our CVS Store Locator to find your nearest CVS. Or if you already know your local CVS, check to see if the Reading Glasses of your choice are available for in store pickup.

Are Reading Glasses Available For Same Day Pickup?

Yes, Reading Glasses are available for same day pickup at most locations, check your nearest CVS for their availability and add to cart to pick up today.

What Are The Shipping Options For Reading Glasses?

Reading Glasses orders over $35 ship FREE within 1-4 days.

What are Reading Glasses?

Even if you don't require prescription eyeglasses to see clearly, you may struggle to read text while you're on the computer or settling in with a favorite book. For those instances where you need a little help with your eyesight, reading glasses are an excellent way to help you focus. Reading glasses almost work like a magnifying glass. They can help you make out those words you're struggling to decipher a little easier to see. Check out how reading glasses can help you see things more clearly, and how to choose the right strength for your needs.

How Much Do Reading Glasses Cost?

Reading glasses carried at CVS range from $14.99 to $26.99. This is dependent on features like brand, style, strength, etc.

Does CVS Deliver Reading Glasses?

Yes, CVS offers free fast shipping on Reading Glasses orders over $35. Most orders are delivered within 1-4 days.

Are Reading Glasses Available For Same Day Pickup?

Reading Glasses are available for same day pickup at most locations, check your local stores availability and add to cart to pick up today.

Best Reading Glasses

The fastest and easiest way to decide which strength of non-prescription reading glasses will suit you is to just try on several different strengths. You can put on several pairs until you find one that helps you read a text more clearly. While this method is extremely simple and works well overall, there are other, more accurate ways to determine what strength you should purchase for your new reading glasses. You can find reading glasses prescription calculators online that will help you gauge which strength level you need. However, they are not accurate when it comes to determining your distance prescription. CVS also offers glasses repair kits, glasses cleaners, and blue light glasses.

Reading Glasses Strength

Another way to measure your reading glasses strength is by using something called a diopter chart. This chart can also be found online and will help you get an accurate determination. The chart has several lines of text with a plus sign (+) in front of it. This symbol indicates the different strengths of reading glasses and how they are measured. The lower the number, the weaker the strength of the glasses, while higher numbers indicate a stronger pair is needed. As you read each line, you will eventually reach a line that's tough to read. Match this line with the diopter chart, and you'll have the exact strength level you need.

Tips to Help You Find the Right Reading Glasses

Aside from trial and error or doing some online tests, here are some other tips to help you find the right reading glasses for you:

  • When you do any kind of eyesight test, hold the chart (or your computer screen) around 14 to 16 inches away from your face to get the most accurate reading. This is known as the working distance of your eyes, which means the average range of objects or text that you typically see things clearly.

  • Keep in mind that your "normal" prescription will not match what you need for reading glasses. Don't rely on your regular eyeglasses prescription when looking for the right strength of your reading glasses.

  • When in doubt, consult with an eye care professional. They can help you assess your eyesight and make recommendations to help you find the ideal pair of reading glasses.

  • If your reading glasses are too weak or too strong, it can make your eyesight worse. If both of your eyes are not corrected equally because of different prescriptions in each eye, this can also affect your eyesight negatively.


Reading glasses are an affordable tool to help you see things clearly. Follow these tips and talk to your eye doctor if you need help finding the pair for you.