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What Is Strength Training?
Strength training is a type of exercise designed to help you decrease body fat, increase lean muscle mass, and burn calories more efficiently. Weight training, which is a specific type of strength training, uses weights as a source of resistance in order to help your muscles grow and strengthen. Strength training and weight training offer many health benefits, especially as you age. However, it is always important to check in with your doctor before starting a new exercise regimen.
Resistance Training
Strength training requires a form of resistance, and different types of exercises use different types of resistance. Talk to your doctor about which type may be right for you. Options include using your own body weight (such as with push-ups), resistance products (such as bands or tubing), free weights (like dumbbells), and weight machines. You should purchase the workout equipment and supplies that are appropriate for the type of strength training you want to do. CVS carries a wide variety of home exercise equipment designed to help you start strength training or weight training – without having to sacrifice your budget.
Best Home Workout Equipment
Hand weights and dumbbells are popular, affordable items that are used in free weight exercises. You can purchase a free weight set that includes multiple dumbbells that are different weights, which is helpful if you plan to build up your strength continually or use them for many different exercises. If you have a lot of free weights or dumbbells, you may want to purchase a dumbbell rack to keep them organized. Kettlebells are an alternative option. You can purchase a kettlebell set that includes many different weight options, which is ideal for sizing up as you build up your strength or if you want to try different types of kettlebell exercises. Medicine balls offer yet another option for resistance training that is affordable and easily done at home.
Resistance Bands For Training
Resistance training exercises can also be done with resistance bands. Resistance bands, sometimes called body bands, are designed to be used with a variety of exercises that challenge different sets of muscle groups. Resistance bands are lightweight and do not take up a lot of space, but when used correctly and consistently, they can be a powerful tool for strengthening your muscles. If you do not have space constraints, you may want to consider purchasing some weight lifting equipment for turning a spare room or your basement into a home gym. In addition to home gym equipment and weight racks, you may also like to include alternative exercise options, such as a jump rope or a few exercise balls.
Strength Training At Home
And remember – you do not need to purchase everything all at once. Strength training at home does not have to be expensive. If you are on a budget, you can still get the benefits of home workouts with high-quality, budget-friendly equipment from CVS. It may also help to be selective with the equipment that you buy; especially as you start out, only purchase what you need or know that you will use. If you are unsure, talk to your doctor about which exercises and equipment may be best to help you get started with strength training.
How to Use Resistance Bands
Resistance bands are a great option to help take your workout to the next level. The way that resistance bands are used will depend largely on whether you are trying to improve strength, build muscle, increase flexibility, or something else entirely. Regardless of your goals, however, you will use these bands to add in resistance to your workouts to help maximize their effectiveness. You can use resistance bands to strengthen your upper body, for example, by stepping on one end and then using your hands to pull up against the band to engage your muscles. You can also attach the band to an immobile object and pull against it to boost the effort that is needed. The great thing about resistance bands is that they help to ensure your muscles are properly engaged at all times when working out, which will help give you the results you are looking for.
What is Resistance Training?
Resistance training is when you perform some type of exercise while adding resistance to the motion you are taking to help keep your muscles engaged. This is generally done by using some type of resistance band. These bands not only make your muscles work harder to complete the needed motions, but they also engage additional muscle groups needed to maintain proper balance. This simulates the use of weights in a way that many people find easier to manage and much safer.
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