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Clear Care PLUS w/HydraGlyde Cleaning Contact Solutn 2-12oz

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Clear Care PLUS w/HydraGlyde Cleaning Contact Solutn 2-12oz

24 OZ, 1.9 lbs. Item # 495772

Clear Care Plus cleaning and disinfecting Solution has the same amazing cleaning power of Clear Care, but is formulated with exclusive HydraGlyde moisture matrix technology. That's how your lenses stay hydrated and feel loved.

This item is FSA (Flexible Spending Account) eligible.

ConcernContact lens care
Product typeContact lens solutions
Quantity1-20 oz
The Preservative-Free, Aqueous Clear Care Plus Contains: Hydrogen Peroxide 3%, Phosphoric Acid (Stabilizer), Sodium Chloride (0.79%), Phosphate (Buffer System), Pluronic 17R4 (a Cleaning Agent), and HydraGlyde Moisture Matrix (EOBO-21 - Polyoxyethylenepolyoxybutylene, Especially for Silicone Hydrogel Soft Lenses).

Directions for use: Never put Clear Care Plus on your lenses and insert directly into the eye. Otherwise, burning and stinging will result. If spillage occurs, clean up immediately with a paper towel. Wash, rinse and dry your hands before handling your lenses or touching your eyes.

1. Remove and place each lens into the appropriately marked L/R domed lens holder, and thoroughly rinse with Clear Care Plus for 5 seconds.

  • Open the lens holder marked "L". Remove your left lens and place it on the dome. Close the lens holder taking care to avoid damaging your lens
  • Repeat the procedure with your right lens by placing it on the dome of the lens holder marked "R". Open the snap cap (flip top cap) on the bottle of Clear Care Plus and bend it back and out of the way
  • Open the snap cap (flip top cap) on the bottle of Clear Care Plus and bend it back and out of the way
  • Taking care not to splash yourself, thoroughly rinse the lenses in the lens holders with Clear Care Plus for 5 seconds
2. Fill the Clear Care Plus lens cup to the fill line with Clear Care Plus and place the lens holder in the lens cup. Do not underfill or overfill.

3. Tighten the cap (finger tight) on the Clear Care Plus lens cup and store lenses for at least 6-hour. Do not shake the lens case.
  • Store the Clear Care Plus lens case upright
  • If bubbles leak from the hole in the top of the lens case cap, non-neutralized Clear Care Plus may be present. Empty the solution from the lens case and thoroughly rinse the lens cup and lens holder with sterile saline or fresh Clear Care Plus. Clean up any spillage with a paper towel. Wash your hands thoroughly before handling your lenses or touching your eyes. Repeat the disinfection procedure above
  • Allow lenses to soak for at least 6 hours to neutralize solution
4. After washing, rinsing and drying your hands, remove your lenses from lens holder. If desired or recommended by your eye care professional, rinse lenses before insertion with sterile saline. Your lenses are now ready to wear.

5. Discard used solution. Rinse the Clear Care Plus lens cup and lens holder with sterile saline or fresh Clear Care Plus - Do not use tap water or non-sterile water. Allow the lens holder and cup to air dry. Store the lens holder cap side down, to avoid the potential for contamination.

Problems with contact lenses and lens care products could result in serious injury to the eye.

It is essential to follow your eye care professional's directions and all labeling instructions for proper use and care of your lenses and lens care products, including the lens case.

The red snap cap and dropper tip means that this product is not for direct use on eye.

Do not put Clear Care Plus that has not been neutralized in your eye or use to rinse lenses. Lenses must be soaked in the provided lens case for at least 6-hour (neutralization process) prior to insertion. Otherwise, burning and stinging will result.

If non-neutralized solution gets in your eye, remove your lenses immediately, flush (wash) your eyes with a large amount of water or sterile saline for a few minutes. If burning and/or irritation persist, seek assistance from an eye care professional.

Do not reuse or "top off" Clear Care Plus in your lens case. Use only fresh solution to clean and disinfect contact lenses on every cleaning occasion.

Do not use a flat lens case. Only use the provided lens case with Clear Care Plus for disinfection and neutralization.

Never clean or rinse your contact lenses in your hands with Clear Care Plus. A mild, temporary skin discoloration (bleaching) of the fingers or hands may result from contact with non-neutralized solution. Always wash and rinse your hands after exposure.

Important safety information:

  • Never dilute or mix Clear Care Plus with any solution or use over the counter generic hydrogen peroxide. Generic hydrogen peroxide solutions are not intended for ophthalmic use and may contain ingredients not tested for ocular safety or toxicity. Generic hydrogen peroxide may contain ingredients that cause discoloration or damage your contact lenses
  • Do not use another saline solution with the provided lens case
  • Never touch the open bottle tip to any surface to avoid product contamination
  • Never transfer Clear Care Plus to another container to avoid product contamination
  • Never allow your lenses to come into contact with non-sterile liquids, including tap water and saliva
  • Never clean your lenses with a separate cleaner immediately prior to using Clear Care Plus. Any residual cleaner on the lenses will result in foaming, potentially causing the solution to Clear Care Plus
  • Never swallow Clear Care Plus, or upset stomach or vomiting may result. If non-neutralized solution is swallowed, immediately drink large amounts of water and seek professional medical assistance or contact a poison control center
  • Tell your eye care professional about the medications you take. Some medications may affect contact lens wear
  • Keep Clear Care plus, out of reach of children

*Customer reviews and ratings solely reflect the views and opinions of the individual contributors and are not created or endorsed by CVS Pharmacy. Please review the product labeling and consult with your doctor with any health or medical questions.