Customer reviews for Burt's Bees Baby Nourishing Baby Oil, 100% Natural Baby Skin Care, 4 OZ

How to get it
Yes, I recommend
lucetta860Verified purchase
Reviewed 3 years agoEasy to useOut of 5
Long lastingOut of 5
TasteOut of 5
ScentOut of 5
Gentle on babyOut of 5
SafetyOut of 5
AbsorbencyOut of 5
Easy to swallowOut of 5
FreshnessOut of 5
Portion sizeOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Effectiveness Out of 5
Value Out of 5
Meets expectationsOut of 5
Quality Out of 5
Aenean at tortor libero, quis posuererisus.
Nam pharetra elit vel ipsum pretium ut aliquam ligulafaucibus.Maecenas vel massa urna, vehicula malesuadadui.Integer at purus ut magna sagittis consequat et atquam.Pellentesque fermentum lorem eget ante euismod et pulvinar nequeinterdum.Suspendisse dolor sem, vulputate vitae laoreet eu, auctor idtortor.
Reply from In a
2 years ago
Vestibulum arcu magna, pellentesque non pellentesque sit amet, varius nonmetus.
Phasellus sit amet quam lectus, ac sagittiserat. Quisque nec velit sit amet arcu mattislaoreet. Curabitur facilisis venenatis est asollicitudin.
Mauris nisi erat, mollis quis rutrum et, viverra utmi. Suspendisse rhoncus, libero non vehicula sod
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Yes, I recommend
Reviewed 3 years agoEasy to useOut of 5
Long lastingOut of 5
TasteOut of 5
ScentOut of 5
Gentle on babyOut of 5
SafetyOut of 5
Easy to swallowOut of 5
FlavorOut of 5
FreshnessOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Effectiveness Out of 5
Meets expectationsOut of 5
Quality Out of 5
Reply from Ut laoreet nu
2 years ago
Praesent sollicitudin massa quis risus rutrum eu placerat purusrhoncus.
Vivamus ultrices condimentumauctor. Proin porttitor vehicula risus egetimperdiet.
Nam ut feliselit. Etiam feugiat sempervestibulum. Aliquam eratvolutpat. Pellen
Yes, helpful
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Yes, I recommend
rinaldo345Verified purchase
Reviewed 3 years agoEasy to useOut of 5
Long lastingOut of 5
TasteOut of 5
Gentle on babyOut of 5
SafetyOut of 5
AbsorbencyOut of 5
FreshnessOut of 5
Portion sizeOut of 5
Ingredient qualityOut of 5
Effectiveness Out of 5
Value Out of 5
Meets expectationsOut of 5
Quality Out of 5
Quisque nec velit sit amet arcu mattislaoreet.
Quisque cursus pulvinar ligula, sed accumsan felis interdumid.Nullam erat augue, condimentum et fermentum vitae, dapibus sedurna.Etiam sapien dolor, consequat nec tincidunt et, interdum euquam.Curabitur pulvinar nulla ut mauris varius in aliquam ligulasemper.Sed pellentesque quam hendrerit enim vulputate in lacinia dolorultrices.Quisque turpis odio, bibendum non iaculis eu, consequat inelit.Maecenas massa ante, ullamcorper at posuere sed, vestibulum egetneque.Ut porttitor erat sit amet enim elementumdictum.
Reply from CVS/pharmacy
2 years ago
Vivamus ultrices condimentumauctor. Proin porttitor vehicula risus egetimperdiet. Nullam quam purus, blandit quis convallis nec, mattis idenim.
Fusce nec massa quis nibh dapibusmolestie. Quisque fermentum suscipit mauris, in tincidunt lectus tempusin. Vestibulum ac semurna.
Sed vel nisl a mi pellentesque porta ut arisus. Phasellus e
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Yes, I recommend
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Reviewed 6 years agochhiirghbghchcuvuvyxrc rzt gj x55gjggxhjvjgggjvuvikhkbo
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Reviewed 6 years agoFgcggguvhujgghuuuhghhjiiijhbnnbbbvbhhhjkkovhjbbkjbnkoojoo
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Reviewed 6 years ago0 users found this review helpful.
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